Had To Get JJ Into a Pic … As He’s Usually on My Lap When I’m Working Via Webinar
I wrote last issue that I had photographer Simon DeRochers at my studio recently. To take new photos for use on my sites.
In the business coaching I do, I often advise clients to invest in professional photography and to redo their pics on a regular basis. Your identity and energy changes over time (not to mention hair color, haha) so it’s important to keep your pics relatively consistent with who you now are.
People purchase from folks they know, like and trust. Photography, whether you are comfortable with it or not, is part of that equation in the web world. You need pics for your web presence. And its helps to get ones that you are ok with too, given you will be seeing them on a regular basis.
And, you may find you need to work through whatever internal demons you may have about ‘being visible’. Yes, sometimes you may encounter judgmental arm chair critics, but that shouldn’t stop you from getting out there and fulfilling your mission to the best of your ability. We need ‘all hands on deck’ during these critical times!
Refreshing your pics is also a good time to refresh your site overall too. Does it still represent who you are and who you serve? Are your offerings clear? What’s your identity and brand (yes, even if a solopreneur you are a brand of a sort).
I always find this refresh process to be liberating and cathartic … like doing a massive spring cleaning. Toss out what is no longer relevant and bring in what is. I find it’s a poignant psychological process too … coming to terms with the passage of time. Who am I now? How much time might I have left? How do I want to spend my precious energy?
As I age I’m increasingly glad that my younger self settled on SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. as the name of my practice. As no matter what tools I’m using, they all are in service of helping groups and individuals make shifts that matter … and helping other Process Professionals do that too. As our world converges into super important choice points, I feel even more strongly that I made the right decision to dedicate my life to ‘shifting’. As every individual counts right now as the shift is upon us … its game time!
Today’s article is about some of those ‘super important choice points’ that we as a species and planet are currently face-to-face with. I’m a big fan of the work of American journalist Annie Jacobsen. She’s written a new book called The Pentagon’s Brain: An Uncensored History of DARPA, America’s Top Secret Military Research Agency.
I’ll explain in the following article why I’m interested in such a fascinating yet potentially frightening topic and why I feel compelled to let you know about this important book.
Yours in SHIFTing IT
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor