OMG I have been having a good time these last weeks! This has been a really good year and the last few weeks have thankfully been no exception.
Visual Coaching Students:
I’ve been busy shepherding our new cohort of Visual Coaches and a few from previous cohorts too … congrats Hannah Sanford on your recent graduation!
The current 2016 cohort is almost through their 10 training webinars and are now securing practice clients for their 24 hours of Visual Coaching. So fun to see the keeners already jumping in and I’m happy to report that many are voluntarily choosing to go through an additional learning curve too — learning how to work virtually though web conference and tablet like I do for most of my own private clients now. Well done gang!
Annual In-Person Visual Skills Trainings:
Yesterday through to Tuesday I’m hosting my annual in-person Visual Skills Trainings here in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia. First three days are foundational skills (going great so far!) followed by two more days of additional practice, support and community.
Given most of my work is online nowadays I really treasure this time of the year where I get to play face-to-face. We’ve got folks from clear across North America and a shout out to Mamie Mak for coming from Hong Kong. I appreciate the journey you have all made (both externally and internally) to be here having productive fun at the wall!
A Few Other Fun Things:
In the midst of all this glorious mayhem I’ve also have the pleasure of facilitating a local middle school through a deliciously frank ProD Strategic Planning day (thank you for the meaningful work that you do for our local community and society overall!).
And, I slipped in some powerful and fun professional development for myself – a jam packed training down in Seattle in Matrix Energetics (an energy work modality that is already making its way into my private coaching work with clients). Followed up with a fascinating private session with Richard Bartlett, the genius founder of this versatile approach too.
Update on Temporary Move While Construction Next Door:

Temporary Homes Coming Into Focus
Thanks to all of you who reached out on my recent Facebook post about my temporary move due to construction next to my studio this fall. I’m happy to report that I have secured two temporary locations from September through April. I will need further arrangements after that, however have great faith that this will unfold nicely as the time draws closer. You are all so awesome!
From the above you can see that I’m accomplishing a lot right now – given its obvious with all the outward activity. However, I have chosen to focus this issue’s article on accomplishment of another sort. The sort where you don’t think/feel you are accomplishing anything, but you actually ARE. Hope you enjoy and for those of you that this applies to, be sure to be extra nice to yourself!
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor