Need a Laugh AND Some Money – Listen to These Ringtones

Oh, I love Twitter cause of the quirkly resources that people post.

Jeannette Maw, who is @goodvibecoach posted these hilarious ring tones – Reverend Ike yelling out about money, abundance, prosperity, etc as loud as he possibly can. The man has lungs baby! Forget `easy buttons’ … this is a step up in the giggle and mood shift department.

Who knew there was an inspirational ring tone market. I have been thinking about breaking down and getting a cell phone again. Having a ring tone like these might just be the deciding factor… might, cause i sure enjoy NOT having a cell phone. Ahhhh, peace and quiet.

[tags]Christina Merkley, SHIFT-IT Coach, The SHIFT-IT Coach, SHIFT-IT, ring tones, ringtones, Reverend Ike, inspiration, inspirational ring tones[/tags]

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