I hope summer is treating you well (for those who live in the same hemisphere).
All classes are fulfilled for this season, so a big thank you to those who joined us this past school year. I really enjoyed meeting, training and coaching you. Do keep me posted on what unfolds for you and I look forward to when our paths cross again!
I take the month of August off for rest and rejuvenation. However before I do I’m working away with my team to refresh SHIFT-IT School for the 2016/2017 calendar. And also running our annual Summer Sale next week from July 18-22. Selected courses, products and services are included, so nab those that interest you via the best rates of the year. We’ll send a notice when it’s live on Monday morning.
In previous issues, I’ve mentioned my upcoming temporary move from my current office as a cool new complex is being built next door for the next 18-22 months. So I’m temporarily relocating me and JJ until the noise dies down. The office has been converted into a fully furnished residential rental suite that’s available Sept. 1st, for anyone in Victoria, BC who may be interested.
Really nicely appointed, artistic, with 14-foot windows — a gem in this low vacancy market for someone who works elsewhere during the day (Yorkie not included).
On other news, my kundalini awakening is continuing with much energetic activation. Seems I can’t get around any type of personal growth work (sound healing, bodywork, meditation, etc.) without it kicking into high gear.
As a result, I’m working with various spiritual, psychic and consciousness teachers to help me integrate the higher energy streaming through. My fall Practical Energy Work class is gonna be hot as my transformation is coming fast and furious … will be interesting to see who I am by then!
Had a lovely time at a local workshop using gorgeous fresh herbs (lavender, sweetgrass and sage) to make a custom smudge stick and feather. Turns out the International College of Energy Healing here in Victoria is run by SHIFT-IT eZine reader Dawn Kirkham. Was fun to connect with her in person and hear how her migration from the UK has gone … well!

Consultant Template-izing His I.P.
I best sign off, as I have Kevin, a high-end speaker and consultant from Texas here for a private visual skills training today and tomorrow. We are getting a visual foundation quickly into him and designing custom templates out of his own intellectual property. To make his speeches, events and trainings even more dynamic than they already are. Good to work with you Kevin, thanks for making the trip to beautiful British Columbia!
The 21st Annual Conference for the International Forum of Visual Practitioners (IFVP) is just a few weeks away. As I’ve fielded several calls from conference organizers and many of my students are attending, I decided to write this issue’s article on my tips for attending the conference, whether you decide to attend this year or in the future. If you are into the visual way of working, I suggest you attend at least one if you can.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor