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Whether you are an old hand at Visual Coaching or are completely new to it, we can all benefit from reflecting on our lives every once in a while: to identify what mid-course corrections we might want to make. Sooooo, in the spirit of this holiday season … I’m gifting you my Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat, complete with 4 Visual Maps and Instruction eBook.
Ideal Retreat Times:
A Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat can be conducted at any time. However I find that the calendar holds some special spots when reflection of this nature is particularly helpful. Like around New Years when a brand new year is upon us, summer vacation or another getaway, and connection to a significant milestone (birthday, marriage anniversary, graduation, relationship change, health challenge, death of a loved one, kids leaving home, etc).
The Benefits of the Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat:
This quick little Visual Retreat helps you quickly appreciate what you have accomplished (what you’ve already manifested and attracted) – and to identify what’s next brewing on your horizon – and the outer and inner shifts you will need to make to get there. The Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat puts your life into perspective. Gives you relief, satisfaction and an organized feeling –knowing you have taken a step to deliberately create what you want (not what you don’t want).
How To Do a Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat:
Set aside about 30-90 minutes, depending on how deep you want to go. Print off the four Visual Maps and Instruction eBook (see link below). Gather some pens (you can go as simple or as elaborate as you like). Put some good music on. Sit somewhere comfy. And dive in …
Abbreviated instructions below. Additionally, see the link to download eBook with the 4 Visual Maps.
1. Gratefully Acknowledge What You Have Received:
The key to receiving is ‘having’. Before you embark on new visioning work, think back on what you have already received. Look back on your previous year. What have you received? What has come your way? What did you get? What was once a dream or desire that has now materialized? We can SO quickly forget what we have received and just move onto what we next want. Instead, write down your answers. SEE what you have indeed received. Gratefully acknowledge that you do receive (and plenty!). When you do this you tap into the energy and vibration of ‘having’. That attitude of gratitude vibe goes out into the world and transmits a special kind of message. Attracts more ‘having’ back to you.
2. Make Peace With Your Present State:
A lot of people who do visioning work get themselves bent out of shape – I’ve been guilty of this many times myself. We get so focused on our desired future that our present circumstances frustrate us. The more we can accept and make peace with our present state the better. By accepting I don’t mean that you give up or stop desiring improvements. Just that you soften your energy around your now. Go into where you are. Accept it. Like it. Appreciate the role it is playing (as a necessary transitional bridge). Manifestation and change can take time, depending on what you are starting with and what you desire. Make the process easier by being ok with your present while you take steps to ensure a more satisfying future.
List out where you are now. How do you feel about your now? What is most up or down for you? What crossroads are you standing on now? What issues are stirring you up the most? What areas of life are doing well? Not doing well?
3. Focus on What You Now Desire:
Our wants and desires are alive and fluid and always changing. Take a moment to reflect on what you now desire. Given what you have already accomplished and where you currently are, what do you want for yourself now? As my favorite Law of Attraction teachers Jerry and Esther Hicks say “What rockets of desire have now been launched?” What do you want the year ahead to hold for you?
What do you want to manifest? What changes do you want to occur? Write out your answers. See what evolutionary nudges you are getting. List the whispers you are receiving about what is next for you. Get it down on paper! Even if it somewhat scares you because of its boldness or chutzpah! Don’t censor. Give it it’s first breathe of life by putting it in writing.
4. Flip Your Negative Thoughts:
Negative companions usually follow quickly on the heels of visionary thoughts —- as soon as our rockets of desire are launched, bazookas get pulled out to shoot them down. Write down your instantaneous reactions to your list of wants. Notice your instant positive reactions and welcome them. Then, notice what negative thoughts come up when you write out what you want? What contradictory thoughts do you hear – doubts, uncertainties and self sabotage?
Capture in writing all of these negative reactions and then do the work of finding a better feeling thought to counter them – FLIP IT – FLIP IT GOOD!. Make the effort to change your internal programming – even just cleaning up one little degree of resistance can have a huge impact on your overall trajectory.
5. Identify and Take Your Next Steps:
When you get aligned with what you really, really want (your Personal Vision) certain things, people, places and steps will naturally start to emerge. Pay attention to the thoughts that swiftly follow FLIP IT work – the ideas, inklings and intuitions about what to do next.
What ideas do you get about easy, natural next steps? Given where you are and where you want to go, what little things can you begin to do to close the gap? What will make movement towards your goals that you can begin today? Write down your next steps and put accountability dates to them. Put them into your calendar and schedule. Find a support buddy, mastermind group or private coach to support and guide you.
Access to Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat Instructions and Maps
I’ve created several maps plus a detailed instruction booklet to guide you in doing the steps outlined above (I’m sharing them with you, my loyal SHIFT-IT e-Zine readers, as a holiday gift!).

Happy SHIFTing everyone and keep telling your new 2017 story until it becomes your norm and your new vibration!