Our spring semester here at SHIFT-IT School is quickly coming in for a close. Just one more week until courses are complete and we use July to refresh for the coming 18 months. So hang tight if you are wanting to know what/when we are doing in Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 … we’ll get to the refresh soon!
As my final act this season I’m hosting our annual back-to-back in-person visual trainings in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada next week.
On June 1-3 is Fundamentals of Working Visually. And on June 5-6 is the advanced Magic Marker Retreat.
A spot or two left if you want to jump in at the last moment. It’s a ton of prep and hauling of supplies however well worth it to meet face to face with this year’s batch of students eager to get markers into their hands. We are attracting a lot of educators this time … in the K-12 system and also post-secondary with college and university instructors wanting to integrate visuals into their subject areas and faculty ventures.
As I mentioned in previous issues I’m going through a lifestyle change … having temporarily moved out into the woods, while construction occurs right next to my usual studio.
I am SOOOOO loving the peace, quiet and tranquility that I’m frankly not sure if I’ll return to the city.
I’ve decided to continue this communion with nature and the organic world, by celebrating my birthday in Peru on a spiritual retreat with ethnobiologist Dennis McKenna (he and his brother Terry are well known in the plant medicine field).
It just so happens that on July 21st we’ll be at Machu Picchu … seemed an inspiring location to ring in my 50th year!
And I’m exploring an inkling I’ve had for a while about combining my SHIFT-IT System with Peru retreats in the future (pushing the progressive envelope perhaps so we’ll see).

Orcas Off of Dallas Beach
About an hour after signing up for Dennis’ retreat, I was at the Dallas Road shoreline, not far from my studio. A commotion began as a small pod of orca whales was spotted just off shore … something they rarely do in these parts.
They proceeded to turn and swim in my direction, passing within meters of where I was seated. Those black fins in the water are them (it’s surprisingly hard to photograph whales). Wow, that was a cool experience!
Talking about cool experiences. A few weeks ago I attended a workshop hosted by one of my past students, the talented Heather Martinez. Her workshop was on hand drawn lettering, something this ol’ dog can still learn new tricks on. I’ve since done a video interview with Heather as this is a topic that many of visual students could also benefit from. See article below for more details and the video (I decided to post it on Youtube so all can access).
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor