A Note From Christina

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians! And a Happy 4th to our American neighbors!  Holiday weekends here in North America, a chance to kick off our summers with some R&R hopefully.

Here at SHIFT-IT School I need some R&R!  We just completed the Spring 2017 semester, with my annual in-person Visual Skills trainings.  Most of my work is online nowadays, so it’s REALLY SPECIAL when I get to meet people in real-world reality and have us plunge together into the juicy markers, pastels, paper etc.

Fundamentals of Working Visually 2017

Basic Icons

Having a Go at Graphic Recording

Building Templates for Facilitation Use

Thanks to everyone who made up the 2017 cohorts of Fundamentals of Working Visually and Magic Marker Retreat.  I don’t know how it’s possible, but each year it somehow gets even more delicious.  Fascinating to watch the Visual Practitioner field develop and have a hand in that development through the lovely people who grace us in our real-world and virtual rooms.

Travelled Far and Got What He Needed

Bright Light and Having Fun

Tapas & Cocktails with the Magic Markers!

Magic Marker Retreat 2017

Apparently, the old adage of there is ‘no rest for the wicked’ holds true.  In-person retreats hold a special place in my heart, however they are A LOT of work with the prep and schlep involved.  All my fellow Process Professionals know the unglamorous side of group work … there is a lot of behind the scenes work to make the magic happen.  Keeps one grounded!

Materials for the In-Person Classes

The Day After … Payment For All the Fun!

Sneak Peek:  SHIFT-IT School 2017/2018 Calendar
Online work involves prep too but of a different nature.  That’s what my team (Jessica, Theresa, Elizabeth and Pat) and I are currently doing.  Now that we have fulfilled last year … it’s time to completely refresh our sites for another year of offerings.  We’ll be working over these next summer weeks (before I take off on my Peru trip) to refresh everything with new dates and details.

SHIFT-IT School 2017/2018 Calendar
Click for Larger ViewHere’s a quick overview of what’s coming … same courses as last year however two new ones have been added: Practical Energy Work 2 (an advanced cohort for those who have been through the first level).

Plus another eCommunity (SHIFT-IT eCommunity) to balance the one we already offer (Working Visually eCommunity).  These eCommunities started off as perks for my grads, however I’ve now expanded them to include those who have trained elsewhere and/or are self-taught.  More about our two eCommunities, and their evolution, in the article to follow.

Yours in SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor

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