Machu Picchu, Peru
Hello from South America!
As you read this eZine (if you are reading it on the day it is published) I am at spectacular Machu Picchu in Peru. Today is my 49th birthday. I’m in the midst of a 3-day sightseeing excursion. Then I’m participating in a week-long spiritual retreat led by pioneering ethnobotanist Dennis McKenna.
As someone who holds containers for other people … I’m excited to be holding myself by other capable practitioners. In addition to Dennis and his team, there is shaman Wayra, who over the course of the retreat will conduct 3 ceremonies, with integration days in between. I hope you will send your etheric good wishes if you are so inclined. As its deep Inner Work I’m engaged in and I’ll take all the good vibes I can get, thank you!

Tulum, Mexico – Photo Courtesy of Max Pixel
In 2012, I had remarkable experiences with shaman Christina Sol (see My Right Brain Journey). It’s taken this long to integrate them. Or, at least I feel I have integrated them enough to take my next steps, this time in South America.
Now I’m on Inca territory, having been on Mayan land in Mexico back in January. Trusting the journey, step by step.
In Christina’s ceremonies, I had the insight that these methods could be helpful for some of my SHIFT-IT clients, particularly those who have entrenched resistance and/or trauma around what it is they say they want for themselves (their vision). They are having ‘trouble at the border’ (alignment issues) around what they want to be, do or have. It’s premature to say whether creating some sort of Peruvian SHIFT-IT tour is in the works. However, I’m open to seeing what might unfold.
Another modality that I’m drawn to lately is Systemic Constellations. I first encountered Constellations back in San Francisco when I was going to grad school in the mid-1990s.
This niche work has progressed A LOT during the last 20+ years, spreading from family applications (Orders of Love) into organizational, coaching and mystic arenas … anywhere there is a system embedded within a larger system.
This fall I’m enrolled in a facilitator training program in Systemic Constellations via The Human Systems Institute in Portland, Oregon. I’ve organized my own extensive training schedule so I can attend, which is a mini-miracle in itself.
I’m not sure yet if I’ll add a distinct Systemic Constellations offering to my services. Or, if I’ll just weave aspects of it into my pre-existing work. It’s too soon to say. But I’m excited about what I sense about the potential of the modality and it being resonant with what I do in my private practice and with my groups. You can learn more about Systemic Constellations in the corresponding article.
See you in a few weeks when I return from Peru. I’ll most likely share about my experiences in future issues and/or in my Practical Energy Work courses.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor