I am LONG overview due sending out my SHIFT-IT eZine. Every year I take the month of August off to have some ‘me’ time, important for those of us who help others for a living. I use that precious time for my own personal development and to do things on my bucket list.
Going to Peru has forever been on my bucket list as I’m a big archaeology fan. Those who are Facebook Friends know I had a wonderful experience, especially in Machu Picchu for my birthday and then at the spiritual retreat I attended with ethnobiologist Dennis McKenna.

Turning 49 at Machu Picchu

Me and the Millennial Men
The spiritual retreat with plant medicine was an amazing and intense experience. Thank goodness, I had some time off to help with integration, which continues at a rapid pace. I will write more about that provocative experience in the future, and also share more deeply with my Practical Energy Work students who are interested.
Our Fall here at SHIFT-IT School as began with a bang. We’re in the midst of launching fall classes, plus I’ve had several in-person SHIFT-IT Retreats and Process Facilitations to boot. As most of my work is online nowadays it’s a treat when I get to work in person in the ol’ mural paper and marker way. It’s a workout but I appreciate being able to work up close and personal with those who are serious about shifting work and life for the better.

Strategic Visioning With a Local School, Drawing Out Their History Map
FYI, for those who would like to add Visual Skills to your own process toolkit … our Fall online offering of Fundamentals of Working Visually starts on Monday. This international online cohort of Process Professionals (consultants, facilitators, teachers, trainers, coaches, therapists, scribes, artists and the like) meets via dynamic live webinars twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays. A great way to integrate visuals into the work you do with groups and/or individuals.
This season has also come with some losses, including the passing of my innovative, wise and supportive mentor, Jim Channon. We all stand on the shoulders of those who have come before us. So, to honour Jim, I’m dedicating this issue to him and sharing resources on his incredible work and life. Thank you for being such a strong support Jim, I will miss you in the physical but know you guide me now from the other side. xoxo
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
& Process Skills Mentor
Hi Christina! I love that you have visited my country. It is very nice, Cuzco, Machu Picchu its landscapes. A lot of energy. I hope to visit Canada one day and know you personally to learn more about graphic facilitation.