Had an exciting couple of days last weekend … flew to San Diego to tape the “Meet the Experts” TV Show hosted by celebrated author and famed publicist Arielle Ford. She’s the author of the Law of Attraction based “Soul Mate Secret” and has represented the titans of the personal growth field, including Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and Wayne Dyer.

Being Interviewed about Graphic Coaching for American television"
The show taped Sunday and will air on NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox affiliates early next year in the United States … I’ll keep you posted as to air times.
I spoke about my pioneering work in the emerging niche of “Graphic Coaching”. The use of large and small-scale visuals in coaching and personal growth venues to more effectively assist the visual thinkers in our midst (a whopping 87% of the population according to brain researchers)!

I’m so delighted that Graphic Coaching is getting its due. Its time! Mentioned the growing community of diverse graphic coaches, therapists, counselors, consultants and trainers I attract and train from across the globe – some with very unique content/expertise areas of their own (women’s relationships, eating disorders, First Nations governance, conflict resolution, diversity, lego/strategic play, youth counseling, grief & bereavement, law of attraction, marketing for artists, etc).
FYI, if you are intrigued to learn Graphic Coaching skills for yourself … you just missed an Info Webinar on my Certified Graphic Coach® program. We’ll send a replay of the audio out soon … so look for that if interested.
This one-of-a-kind Certification equips you with the foundational skills of Graphic Coaching, empowers you to use my suite of 17 graphic coaching tools, plus stimulates you to think through your own possible signature system and visual tools –to make your own practice easier, more tangible and replicable to others (should you care to empower others to use your tools like I do).
Given the focus on Graphic Coaching this week, I’ve opted to write this issue on Graphic Coaching: The Benefits of Working Visually with Individuals, Partners and Couples.