Actor Mickey Rourke’s Internal and External SHIFT

The comeback story of the recent entertainment season has been Mickey Rourke’s stand out performance in The Wrestler.

I haven’t seen it yet, but I find myself fascinated by the coverage of Rourke and the archetypes that his story holds – particularly from a Law of Attraction and “SHIFT-IT” perspective.

Having grown up during the 80s, I remember Rourke at his bad boy peek, in movies like Rumble Fish, The Outsiders and 9 ½ Weeks (I could talk about Kim Bassinger’s victim energy being played out in that movie, but I’ll leave that one alone for now).

First off, there is his hilarious, moving and somewhat shocking acceptance speech at the Spirit Awards (see video below, don’t watch if you are easily offended by ‘colorful’ language). I personally love his authenticity and wacky bravado and hey, the man has style (gotta love that get up). You can feel the love in the room for the guy … even if it’s just the ‘comeback’ vibe that people are grooving with. Many people wanted this man to succeed and tap back into his talent and prosperity. And they were willing to give him a chance.

In an interview with Charlie Rose, Rourke is a little tamer – yet very honest, self revealing and reflective. Here is a man who has had to consider the demons from his past and attempt to work through them … some appear to still be in process (like the loss of his marriage … his wife went on to deal with her own drug/alcohol and body issues … being a former model who suffered from anorexia, etc).

He candidly admits his issues with authority and their roots in a problematic childhood and early beginnings (he doesn’t want to go there in details with Charlie, but a quick internet search will reveal that his father abandoned the family when he was six … and his mother’s remarriage to a police officer with five sons in Miami must have been rough). And he spent many years in the boxing and fighting realms before and after being an actor.

He speaks of going to therapy and of becoming aware of and dismantling some of the armour he built up over the years (even in the body armour he created with his excessive bodybuilding, etc). One can appreciate just how bang on Director Darren Aronofsky was in his casting of Rourke as the washed up wrestler … he certainly had personal places he could mine for the emotions.

How brave of him to be so forthcoming about these things, especially as he’s so ‘old school’ as he puts it, a ‘man’s man’ kind of guy. Good for you Mickey Rourke! May you find the feeling place of success, stability and love as you move forward with the opportunities you have lined up with and manifested. From the Law of Attraction perspective, stop focusing on feeling unsure and unfamiliar with your renewed success and start focusing on this becoming your new norm … your new way of being. The more you do that, the more it will stabilize around you.


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