Note From Christina

It’s been a whirlwind of good stuff since I got back from the Abraham-Hicks Mexico Cruise. Right away I was back in connection with
… as Hay House Radio offered a call-in show with Jerry and Esther Hicks. And I made it on as a caller!

I asked Abraham several questions about the economy, more specifically how we can handle the short-term (as I know the long-term is going to turn out just fine) – and also about women aligning with success. The recording of the full two-hour show (I was on for 16 minutes) is now available at Hay House.

And speaking about access to non-physical intelligence, here’s a special ‘save the date’ announcement

I’ve been feeling the pull to create a Soothing Saturday Series”. I’ve had the name in the back of my mind for a while … and Obama’s ‘call to service’ (even though I’m not an American) really resonates with me.

Sooooooo, I’m creating a fr-ee ongoing tele-seminar series. This series will be a mix of things – linked together by a general ‘SHIFT-IT’ theme. Some calls will be invited guests whose specialty helps us SHIFT our reality. Some calls will just be with me, where I’ll do spontaneous SHIFT-IT Coaching with whoever calls in to play. These calls won’t happen every Saturday, but hopefully at least once a month.

The kick-off for this fr-ee series will happen Saturday, March 21st, at 10-11:30am Pacific (mark that date!) … and I’m VERY PLEASED to announce that my two special guests (make that 14 special guests!) will be SHEILA and MARCUS GILLETTE and “THE TEACHINGS OF THEO”.

A wealth of Law of Attraction, soul integration and ‘create your own reality’ information … Sheila is the direct voice channel to “Theo” the non-physical intelligence that instructed Esther Hicks that she too had the ability to connect with universal wisdom (and she did … the Abraham materials being the result). Sheila has written a wonderful new book, called Soul Truth, based off of her 25 years experience as a renowned spiritual medium.

On Saturday, March 21st, you’ll hear Sheila and Marcus explain their unique journey, as well as open the lines for YOU to ask Theo ANY QUESTION you care to ask (I’m arranging a special operator assisted queue system … so we’ll have a really professional experience!).

I’ve had four private sessions with Theo (they predicted Obama’s election), and am pleased to be able to offer this exciting opportunity to my SHIFT-IT tribe. Over the next few weeks, you’ll receive info on how you can sign up for this call (Note: To Register for This Amazing Free Experience with Theo, Click Here!) .

In the meantime, check out my previous blog posts for more information about Theo and the Gillettes:

As for this week’s article … I could continue along the spiritual theme we’ve begun here, but instead I’m going to ground things with an article about the Who, What, Where, When and Why of coaching with graphics.

Doodlers Unite,

Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach

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