Last week I did a quick trip to Los Angeles … for some fun, sun and Abraham vibes.
Took a day to see friends, then attended Abraham-Hicks workshops on the weekend. The L.A. crowd has always asked really interesting questions of Abraham, so I decided to attend this one in person. Glad I did … with so many entertainment industry people in the room the ingenuity, creativity and talent was fascinating to be around.
My client Nathaniel (Abraham enthusiast, actor and budding coach) says I inspired him to go too. So I had the pleasure of meeting him and his fantastic partner Jessica. Really great to compare notes and insights … those of you in the Merkley’s Manifestation Mastermind will hear Nathaniel and I on Sunday morning share some of our highlights.
This trip to L.A. has really revved up my desire to live down south again – lots has been launched into my vibrational escrow so we’ll see what happens over the months and years to come!
One of the things that Abraham hammered home again and again is the importance of ‘telling the new story’ and ‘being in the vortex’ … and that its an ongoing process of alignment. So I’m focusing on some of those themes in today’s article … as well as some personal divulging.
Hope you enjoy!
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach