A Note From Christina

We’ve been having a heat wave here in Victoria, British Columbia the last while (makes up for the lousy summer in ‘07 when it rained for two months!). Heat wave for us means we jumped from 20s to 30s (got consistently over 100° F). I know, not a big deal for some of you … but its record breaking for us islanders – wink! Even slept on my roof deck one night to keep cool (natural A/C) … watching the stars.

The sun was not the only thing making certain client’s and my own temperatures rise. After months of ‘stalled’ energy, many of us are finally feeling the rumblings of new clarity and movement – making us a little hot and bothered! New visions are busting through the surface followed by intuitions on actions to take and things to do. It’s gearing up to be an interesting fall.

If you are one of those being affected by the new energies … here’s some info on how to ride the energy waves and the new Personal Visions that are rising up within you.

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