- Sylvie Kwayeb Fagon
Certified Visual Coach®
“My connection with visual thinking and tools started years ago with Mindmapping.
In 2009, I came across your website and that was it! I started with The SHIFT-IT Home Retreat Kit. Was impressed with its quality and the results that unfolded after using it.
I then enrolled in Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals online (very comprehensive and full of great resources, from drawing to business choices. And it was fun too!) From there I joined The SHIFT-IT Online Group (supportive and respectful with people from all around the world – wonderful)
I then committed myself to Visual Coach Certification®. Again a group with a high level of competence and humanity. Very well organized and professional. Even more than what I was expecting. I experienced the pleasure of my clients discovering and unfolding their visions like I did. Now I am a Certified Visual Coach® in the middle of creating my new business and it feels great!
Thank you Christina, because when you say “pick my brain”, it is true: you really share your knowledge, skills, experience and tools with a huge generosity.
I trusted that you were the right person for this step of my life and I was right!”
Sylvie Kwayeb Fagon
Certified Visual Coach®
Plouezoc’h France
I am a psychologist from Chile, are you doing a workshop in Spanish?
Hi Ignacio. Thanks for your inquiry. No, I do not do my trainings in Spanish. Just English at the moment. I do have several international coaches in my programs, who speak a range of additional languages (German, French, Hungarian, etc). My training and tools are in English and in order to take my trainings you must be fluent in it. However, I am working with my students to translate my maps into the language of their choice, so they can more easily use them in their home practice.
Please contact my assistant Patricia at admin@shift-it-coach.com if you’d like further info.