A Note From Christina

Things are going really great these last few weeks. Really hitting our stride in this season’s programs. SHIFT-IT Online wrapped up after its 7 week run … wonderfully supportive cohort with members with a high degree of personal awareness and ability to be vulnerable and share. A real pleasure.

This week we kicked off the new Magic Marker Mastermind – so fun to introduce members to each other and begin process of forming a creative hub to help these Visual Practitioners take their graphic aspirations to the next level.

Am also having a blast in my expanded collaboration with THEO and Sheila & Marcus Gillette.  While they won’t make much sense out of their context, here are a few sketches from our Thrive in the Time of Awakening program. Hopefully they convey the shift from fragmentation to integration that this special container is all about. I myself had HUGE SHIFTS happen during and after last year’s offering so I’m so curious to see what this year’s results will be … fasten our seatbelts!

Hope you are feeling the pep and perk of Spring’s energy too!

Yours in Visual Expansion and SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley

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