Ahhh, fresh new pack of chalk pastels.
Sorting Through My Marker Box
Holy smokes, its mid October already … geez, where DOES the time go?
We’ve had such a beautiful extended sunny season here in Victoria B.C. that fall has kind of snuck up on us.
With my Graphic Coaching Clinic just around the corner, we’re going through the ritual of getting ready. Ordering and sorting supplies (a mile of wall-size paper (literally!), pounds of markers and oodles of pastels, tape and other miscellaneous fun stuff).
One of the participants who is coming is highly sensitive so no scented Mr. Sketch markers on this round. I mostly use The Grove’s chiseled Charter markers anyway so it’ll work out fine.
As I’m elbow high in the yin of art supplies and anticipating the fun of what is to about to occur, I thought I would write about the benefits of yin type energy. Something I am learning to appreciate more in my own life. As Abraham says … Life is Suppose to be Fun!