Getting reports back from my Graphic Coaching Clinic graduates – about how they are integrating their new skills. Congrats to Kelly for a successful reception to the Process Overview Map she created and used the very next week with her Nation. To Martine for the fabulous visual handout she posted on the Global Community of Graphic Coaches Facebook page – and to Ann on getting in weekly icon practice and moving forward on her Life Preserver visual tools. Keep the reports coming in ladies and get your private mentor call booked – I love helping you to integrate your visual learning!

Talking about continued visual learning … I’m having a blast doing the application interviews for my new SHIFT-IT Coach Training and Certification Program! Its so exciting to see this program (after many years of being asked to create it) finally come to fruition … and seeing whom the members of the ‘Pioneer’ group will be.
This new Certification Program trains you in my trademarked SHIFT-IT System® & Visual Tools (17 Merkley Maps) – and grants you an individual license to use these effective resources with your own coaching and consulting clients. Expands your graphic landscape and reach! Remember, if you are a graphic graduate of mine, there is a December 7th deadline to apply! Also, see notes below about an info webinar I’m hosting on this program in early December – get all your questions answered and determine if you are a fit.
As you can see, things are expanding at a wonderful rate here at SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc … which lead me to write this issue’s article on ‘How to Expand Your Ability to Receive’ – something I’ve been learning a lot about lately. Here’s to expanding your own upper limits!
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach