The season continues to whip by, with us fulfilling our fall courses and preparing for the 2013 curriculum too.
As I was thrilled to announce last issue, Tamsyn Hawkins from the United Kingdom is joining our team. And we’re working with several other folks this season to lay the groundwork for greater volumes that are being attracted.
For years I have deployed an online model in SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc … partnering with ‘virtual contractors’ … independents who operate their own businesses working from their own locations. And I’ve successfully coached many creative solo practitioners to do the same. It’s a great model for a certain level of business.
However, now I and SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc are going to the next level … we’re transitioning from the virtual model to a ‘bricks and mortar’ approach … creating a corporate headquarters here in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada with an office and ‘real’ employees to better serve our global network of clients and mentees.

* As my hair color continues to change (and people remark on how blond I now am (covering up gray!) ... I've updated my biz pics this month ... and we'll have to do another series when Tamsyn and other team members join me in the office ... it will soon be more than just me gathered around the flip chart moving forward!

It won’t happen all at once — we’ve got a 12-18 month window that we’re playing with … and we will continue to work with many of our virtual partners moving forward, but geez is it exciting to take things to a more sophisticated level! The manifestation of my Vision set many years ago is coming into fruition and I’m tickled pink.
Getting here has taken a lot of hard work, calculated risk, dedication, discipline and sheer good luck. Given that, the subject of this issue’s ezine is “Yes Virginia, There Is a Santa Clause … You!” Dedicated to folks who sometimes have a naïve perspective about how to manifest things in their personal and professional lives.
Keeping doodling and keep believing! Yours in appreciation and Visual Expansion,
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
and Interactive-Visuals Mentor