A Note From Christina

Well, an early Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to my SHIFT-IT readers … as this is the final issue for this year.

Right now I’m in San Francisco … about to be let loose on the town for some last minute Xmas shopping.  And seeing some old friends and colleagues since I’m back in my old stomping grounds (lived here in the 90s when I went to grad school and began my ‘graphics’ career).

This season (after the craziness of the actual holiday dies down) is the perfect time to nestle in and do some personal reflection on your life – and what you want to create for yourself in this fresh New Year.   Its turned into a tradition of mine to gift readers with a visual treat in this holiday issue …  four visual maps and an instruction booklet to conduct your own Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat.  Great for doing during that twilight week between Christmas and New Years, especially if you are snowed in!

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