Sharon Pannone
“I think ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘ready’ are the best words to describe me the day I trusted my instincts to call a woman in Canada I had never met. That woman was Christina Merkley. I had found her via her info on manifestation, law of attraction and using visuals to Become Your Next Self. I wondered if she would mentor me … YES, that is how bold I was. To my great surprise Christina picked up the phone and gave me her time and the gift of listening. I explained that I thought coaching was where I belonged. Christina shared some stories from her own fascinating journey and said “if coaching is really the direction you want to go, I suggest you get some good coach training as a starting place, cause it’s a real, distinct role onto itself … if you find you like it, swing back for our Visual Coach Certification down the line.”
That was a Thursday; and by Monday I was registered with a base training she recommended — by Friday was on a flight to Chicago. Its been two years and my journey has been AMAZING — I’m now a coach (having gone on for advanced training too), am happily re-settled and partnered (in work and life) in Florida and am an internet show host.
I recently contacted Christina to thank her for giving one of the greatest gifts I feel one person can for another … to listen and believe. And I also extended an invitation to her to be a guest on ‘Embrace The Journey With Sharon’ so others can benefit from her generous and knowledgeable spirit. I have found my North Star, a place where I listen and share inspiring, motivating and positive wisdom in our world through the journeys of others. My hope is we all find our North Star and remember those along our journey who shine their light for us to see. Thank you, Christina.”
Sharon Pannone
Life Journey Coach / Internet Show Host
Sarasota, Florida