Stasi’s Soon To Be Office Set-Up
Plus a New Cintiq for Moi!
Having a great spring, hope you are too!
A big welcome to our new Office Manager Stasi Manser. We were thrilled with the level of local qualified applicants here in Victoria, British Columbia who responded to the position. Stasi charmed us not only with her kind personality but also her strong tech skills married with an appreciation of meta-physics and personal growth. Happy to have you with us Stasi!

A Nice Visit From Roswitha Vespers & Holger Scholz from Germany (KommunikationSlotsen)
These folks operate Kommunikation Slotsen … the consultancy that produces the handy Bikablo icon dictionaries and other visual facilitation aids.
We had a productive time discussing our shared beliefs on the importance of visual work being properly connected to process … plus thoughts on my possible travel for a future European visual conference. Thanks for including me on your West Coast tour!
Speaking of ‘process’, that and another equally important P word … ‘positioning’ have been on my mind lately as I guide mentees on consciously developing their “IT” (the process work they are or want to be doing more fully in the world). So these thoughts are rolled into this issue’s article “The P Words of Your Professional Practice: Process & Positioning”.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley,
The SHIFT-IT Coach
and Interactive-Visuals Mentor