Q. Greetings, Just wondering, based on Abraham’s ideas about not worrying about where you have been … how does that concept interface with your maps of our past decisions? -Jayne A. Hi Jayne. This is a really good question. And while the question can be asked in one line, its going to take me quite… Read more »
SHIFT-IT: Meeting Graphics 101 and The Graphic Bootcamp Video
As most of you know, our second last Meeting Graphics 101 and The Graphic Bootcamp was held this past spring. Our last event is coming up in November! For this particular workshop, I brought my assistant, Erin Blaskie, to Victoria to help me out with the event. While Erin was here, she took some footage… Read more »
Six Marketing Mindset Lessons
I just got back from an intense ‘success workshop’ that rattled me (some of the things modeled about wealth acquisition and law of attraction methods, while not necessarily incorrect, did rub against my value system). Those of you who have been on my list for a while, realize that over the last several years, I’ve… Read more »
A Note from Christina: August
Thanks so much for the many warm birthday greetings I received from last issue — I loved that so many of you shared with me your own stories about turning the big 4-0 and also your home manifestation stories. I moved into my new pad overlooking the entrance to the Victoria harbour just two days… Read more »
Ask Christina: Help, I’m Miserable and Want to Change Careers
Hi Christina, my question is about changing careers. I have been in the insurance industry for 10 years. I currently work for an independent agent and I am miserable! My supervisor is a friend from a prior job and she is driving me crazy!!!! She has the owner of the company completely fooled. I really… Read more »
Ask Christina: Ask Christina: I’d Like to Learn Graphic Facilitation, Where Should I Start?
“Hi Christina, I’m so glad I found your blog. Been learning quite a bit. I’m a software professional. I’m good with ideas, writing poetry etc, connecting things etc but not good with drawing. I’d like to learn graphic facilitation, where should I start? Are there any courses? I’m planning to take up the creativity course… Read more »
Ask Christina: Do I Do Minor Modifications to My Office or Go for the Full-On Reno?
“Ack! I have just hired a contractor to do some minor modifications to my office to make it more professional. My office is in a converted wooden heritage garage detached from my house. What I really want to do is tear it down, build a new office with a second floor where I can facilitate… Read more »
Note from Christina… July 18 2008
Today I’m moving (thankfully the e-zine can be preset). On Sunday I’m doing my last corporate graphic facilitation job ever (with my favorite, long-term client), and on Monday I turn 40. When things SHIFT, they really shift eh! I’ve loved my cute, 1912 character place that I’ve been in for the last 6 years… SHIFT-IT… Read more »
Is Your Living Space a Help or a Hindrance?
Did you know that in dreams, a house almost universally is a symbol for one’s life? That this dream imagery is an archetype that transcends all borders and cultures – a sign of just how important homes and living spaces are to the human psyche. As a coach, one of the areas that I often… Read more »
I told this story (at least the older part about the car) in my last Merkley’s Manifestation Mastermind series and it struck a chord as several members also manifested cars within a few weeks from me telling it. So I’ll now share it in written form, here on the blog (please forgive the length but… Read more »