Be Brave With Your Innovations

Last week I hosted one of my Graphic Bootcamps: an advanced skills training workshop for people who want to learn more about the graphic way of working with groups and individuals. I noticed a really interesting trait in my attendees: a lot of them are just itchin’ to make their work more fulfilling and interesting… Read more »

The Secret Behind The Secret

If you’ve been an ezine reader of mine for a while (or one of my coaching clients), you’ll know that I’m a big fan of Law of Attraction (LOA) principles.  I use them constantly in my facilitation and coaching work and in my own personal life (with graphics of course!).  There has been a lot of… Read more »

Graphic Recording Skills

Tomorrow I lead my Graphic Bootcamp here in Victoria, British Columbia.  Its an advance skill development and marketing / business development workshop for graphic recorders and graphic facilitators – people who want to further improve their ability to graphically record and facilitate business meetings, community events, conferences and the like.  Who want some help boosting… Read more »

Boise Idaho Trip

I get a little stir crazy in the winter.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my little piece of paradise here on Vancouver Island, in British Columbia.  However, I do like to travel. Part of switching my business over to more virtual delivery methods (internet, phone etc) is that it enables me to have much more… Read more »

Speed Up Your Manifestation Process

Question: What is an effective way to speed up my manifestation process? Answer: Get happy about where you currently are. Yup, getting ok with where you currently are is a great way to get what you eventually want. I am working my way through the full collection of recordings that my favorite Law of Attraction… Read more »

How to Create a Vision Board

Its an oldie but a goodie, the Vision Board exercise. Sometimes called a Vision Collage, Dream Board, Treasure Map, Vision Map, etc. A wonderful, graphic way to help define and align with what you really, really want for yourself in the future. In the movie The Secret (introductory movie on Law of Attraction principles), there… Read more »

Investigate Your Now

I am mid-way thru facilitating a great SHIFT-IT Tele-group. Over the course of 7 conference calls, I’m working with a fabulous group of folks from around all over (England, New Zealand, Holland, U.S. and Canada), thru my SHIFT-IT Graphic Coaching Process.  We are on Stage 3 of the process called ‘Investigate Your Now’.  In this… Read more »

National Association of Women Writers

I had the pleasure of being one of eight speakers for the National Association of Women Writers’ Annual Tele-Summit last week.  This event was jammed packed with information on all aspects of the craft and lifestyle of writing: legal, creativity, brand & platform, magnetic marketing, traditional and non-traditional publishing routes, etc.  I was the last speaker… Read more »

Insights From the Abraham-Hicks Cruise

I just spent 15 blissful days on a Hawaiian cruise. I chose this particular cruise because it was hosted by Abraham-Hicks my favorite Law of Attraction teachers. Abraham-Hicks is a hyphenated name because it represents two different partners. One partner is Esther Hicks (and Jerry Hicks her husband). Esther is a very sweet Texan woman… Read more »