Bust Through to a $50-300K Solo Practice or Small Business
Process Professionals (consultants, facilitators, trainers, coaches, speakers, counselors, content experts/authors, visual practitioners and the like) … are often skilled helpers but unfortunately many are weak on the BUSINESS side of their practices — how to make a sustainable living.
Biz Essentials for Process Professionals is an info-rich, 10-Module Home Study Course, that guides Process Professionals and other Small Business Owners to define, build, or revamp their operations in the $50-300K range, with a special emphasis on ethical online techniques. Whether a newbie or a seasoned pro, this program demystifies the nuts and bolts of a successful independent practice.
Course Overview:
My knowledge of Biz Essentials has been hard won, from my own personal experience via the school of hard knocks (I’ve been self-employed since 2001), from studying like crazy (I invest heavily in ongoing education and have a master’s degree in Organizational Development) and from my experiences of coaching and mentoring hundreds of other Process Professionals across the English speaking world.
I first started sharing this material in my Private Coaching Practice because a segment of my clients were other Process Professionals (or wanted to be). They were inspired by what they had watched me do over the years however they were confused and/or intimidated about what to do and in what order in their own situation. They wanted my advice and to coach them through the process of doing it for themselves, in their own niche and content areas.
Over time it wasn’t smart to keep repeating myself in separate coaching containers … and it seemed I was always connecting my private clients to one another (so they could make friends with others going through similar journeys). So, I made the decision to pool those who could use Biz Essentials into coaching groups and in-person and online classes. This was a very successful and gratifying experience. A true blessing to bring awesome people together and teach them how to get their own “IT” out into the world. And to witness the ripple effect on my clients and in turn their clients. Together we all help make the world a better place through the good work that we do.
This Biz Essentials Home Study Kit is my latest way of getting my valuable Biz Essentials info to the minds and spirits of Process Professionals who need it. Plus, it’s now going to be the ONLY way to access this powerful information if you weren’t around for the live versions. I hear the siren call of Inspiration, and it’s beckoning me to birth advanced programs built off of this sturdy foundation. So I’ve put the material into this product version as a handy resource for those who still need access, and as a pre-requisite for the advanced programs that are coming.
The material in The Biz Essentials Home Study Kit is the EXACT material that I have taught in my past classes. In fact, you follow a 10-week live class as they make their way step-by-step through my 7-Stage Outer Work Model. You learn Biz Essentials in the same order that the live class did and witness their reactions and integration. And in turn, apply the material to the specifics of your own situation.
This Home Study Kit consists of 10 eLearning Modules. The first seven Modules thoroughly cover Stages 1-7 of The Outer Work Model. The final three Modules are ‘Live Labs’, where you watch participants receive laser coaching from myself and Brand/Identity specialist, Jocelyn Ring (my guest expert).
Plus, in order to make sure you successfully complete and integrate your Biz Essentials Home Study Kit, I’ve included a Deluxe Option that secures you three Private Coaching Sessions (so I can personally help you to digest and apply your learning investment).
Details on the 10 Modules:
Module 1:
In Module 1 we look at Inspiration … the idea, hunch or urge that niggles at you … the thing that wants to manifest through YOU. If you are new to self-employment or entrepreneurship, it’s the craft, practice or business that you want to launch (even if you are apprehensive, nervous or downright scared … and don’t know yet how to do it).
If you are already in business, it’s the thing that now wants to be birthed … the evolutionary whisper, rumble or shout that urges you to change, transition, or revamp (even though, or sometimes because, you inhabit a nice comfort level … but part of you doesn’t want to stop there because it knows there is more for you to evolve to). And it wants you to GO FOR IT!
Module 2:
Embedded in Inspiration is rich data about your emergent Identity and Brand. Branding Consultant Jocelyn Ring Siman explains the necessary yet sometimes exasperating brand discovery process – how to extract what your business identity truly is (at this point in time) and how to effectively brand around that core. And how authenticity, congruency and ‘being who you really are’ serves you and attracts your Ideal Client.
Bonus Video:
Also included in Module 2, is a Bonus Video by Tamsyn Hawkins (one of our Certified Visual Coaches) who shares helpful info on the role of “Archetypes” in crafting your brand … something we weave consciously into SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc.
Module 3:
With a clear identity and brand, we now turn to the Structural Basics that create a secure foundation for your business. The legal, banking, bookkeeping and accounting “Must Haves” … that create a strong girding for the services and/or products that you offer your Ideal Clients.
Bonus Video:
Interview with my Bookkeeping Partner, who has been an integral part of my business since 2005.
Module 4:
Now that you know who you truly are and the clients you serve, we next turn to the topic of Offerings … the tangible services and/or products you offer (or want to offer) in the marketplace. Plus how to construct an effective Sales Funnel at various price points … and realistic pace expectations (not everything can (or should) happen this Red Hot Minute … its best to take an “Evolutionary Perspective”.
Module 5:
Yes, you have built Structural Basics into your Business but in this day and age, you also must consider the role of Socio-Tech Systems too — the people (virtual contractors or in-person employees) and technology that help you effectively serve your clients (web tools: sites, blogs, stats, security, software, hardware, payment options, automation aids, etc). Where you play (or want to) on the $50-300K scale determines the extent of the people and tech systems you build over time.
Bonus Video:
Interview with my Advanced Tech Assistant, who explains the ins and outs of how to find and work with a “Virtual Assistant”.
Module 6:
For some, this is a dreaded topic but rest assured it need not be. Marketing & Sales is a necessary part of any business and from personal experience, I share how it can also be fun and enjoyable (even for those who are naturally shy). Also, implementation of online strategies is key in our business … so I share my very valuable “Online Model” for effective and ethical internet outreach, including how to find your sweet spot with Social Media.
Bonus Video:
Interview with the fabulous Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero of Red Hot Copy. Lorrie is a seasoned top-rate Copywriter from Los Angeles, California, who shares extremely helpful tips on how to write “Conscious Copy” … sales and marketing copy with integrity and clean values. Also included is a ‘Visual Process Map” I created with Lorrie that explains her Speed Copywriting System.
Module 7:
Business is an organic, alive process. You may operate for years but one day reach a crossroads … decide whether to keep going and make adaptations (cycle thru model again with a refined inspiration) or to close shop.
In Module 7 we discuss the role of adaptation — or, alternatively, how to bring a ‘conscious death’ to your biz if your inspiration has run dry. Far from taboo, the discussion of the death of your biz could lead to the birth of a new one, or blossom other areas of life instead.
Bonus Video:
Panel Interview with Past SHIFT-IT Alums who have successfully applied The Outer Work Model to their own practices (fascinating to hear which strategies they applied and their results … different personality types and different content areas gravitate to certain strategies over others).
Modules 8-10:
Following the formal Curriculum Sessions, there are three “Live Lab Incubator Sessions” centered on drop-in coaching. View live class participants being coached through the spots they aren’t sure of, or where resistance raises its ugly head. These sessions are also an opportunity to apply the 8th element of the process (that works concurrently with the seven stages) — the cultivation of a Positive Mindset. We’re happy to help SHIFT your attitude about what is possible and possible for you!
This program is for new or seasoned Process Professionals keen to launch or revamp their practice or small business. Who enjoy professional development opportunities and are ready to take their business to a new level of satisfaction, organization and pleasure. Who are realistic that it takes good information, PLUS the commitment, to implement that information in a step-by-step systematic way to reach success.
It’s ok (and totally normal by the way) to be nervous, apprehensive or even intimidated to launch or revamp your biz. Emotional vulnerability, nerves and fear are welcomed and compassionately understood. AND, I won’t let your emotions get the best of you … I’ll help you to learn how to do business well so you can successfully serve the folks who are your ideal clients and make a viable, enjoyable living in the process!
Things Previous Biz Essentials Clients Have Manifested:
- Deep Acknowledgment of Inspiration (know they are right about what they want to do, that they do have smart & good ideas!);
- Clarity on Identity and Brand (created biz colors, logos, banners, styles sheets, etc. );
- Reached Decision on Correct Entity Structure (Sole Prop, LLC, Inc.);
- Reached Decision on Name of Business and Title of Their Role (some after years of mulling);
- Created Home Office and Work Space (one converted her garage for Visual Facilitation work);
- Bought Separate Office (one person even bought a summer cabin that she holds retreats at!);
- Implemented Correct Money Procedures (went to the bank, set up proper accounts, got biz credit line, biz credit card, etc);
- Arranged Online Payment Options, including Recurring Plans (Paypal, Visa/MC, merchant account, shopping cart);
- Found and Hired Good Bookkeeper and Accountant Partners (rather than the proverbial shoe box!) ;
- Found and Hired Good Website, Tech and/or Customer Service Help (many got their first Virtual Assistant (saying they should have done this so much sooner!), several larger clients brought in Part-Time Marketing Assistants or expanded existing team in other ways);
- Launched First Website (or smartly improved an existing one, including adding in blog, social media and other handy apps);
- Created Valuable “Free Goodies” and added to the site(s) as Education and List Building Strategy;
- Implemented Correct DataBase Collection Procedures (now following proper anti-spam procedures and has one, integrated list (rather that several separate small lists);
- Got Clarity on Offerings (canned or revamped old offerings that no longer served and created new ones (also developed ‘progressive programs’ out of client’s remaining needs … picked up money they had been leaving on the table);
- Expanded Marketing and Sales Results (broke through sales and marketing resistance, expanded into Social Media, implemented proper marketing campaigns (built in enough time to properly seed, fill and launch programs);
- Improved Client Intake and Contracting Process (landed more clients in an easier, more clear way);
- Raised Rates (and realized nobody blinked an eye … and kicked yourself for not doing sooner!);
- Moved into Online Programs and/or Developed Products for Sale (got over visibility issues to stand up much more confidently both online and in-person);
- Added Handy Automation Tricks to Make Client Attraction, Fulfillment and Follow-Up Much Easier and Less Labor Intensive;
- Brought a ‘Conscious Death’ to Their Operation (for some this course brought the important and valuable realization that it was time to end their previous venture and move onto other pastures … a few seasoned consultants used this program to plan their segue into semi-retirement, with a part-time consulting practice on the side).
Any of these land for you?! Then Biz Essentials for Process Professionals is a must-have to strategically build your next chapter!
FYI, I am a practical, real-world instructor however you should know that I also believe deeply in the Law of Attraction (LOA) and other meta-physical approaches (i.e. your internal energy plays a key part in your manifestations regardless of outside trends, circumstances or environment). While this course is primarily focused on Outer Work, I strongly believe that your Inner Work is also an important part of your success in the world. And these concepts will pop out even when talking about Outer World practicalities. If emotional processing, meta-physical terminology or sharing vulnerabilities makes you uncomfortable, then my approach is probably not for you.
This program is not for folks who think that business success, clients and money just fall in one’s lap. Or who thinks success should be an overnight manifestation. Or for those who, after having it pointed out to them, continue to beat negative drums of lack, scarcity and negativity.
And finally, it’s a shame that this has to be said … but FYI it is not kosher to take this course with the intention to copy and/or mimic it in your own offerings. Plagiarizers need not register.

Christina Merkley, CEO of SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc.
I’m Christina Merkley, CEO of SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. a boutique coaching and training company specializing in inner and outer approaches to professional and personal growth.
Why do I have the audacity to offer a course like this?! — Because I’ve lived the ups and downs of building and maintaining a woman-run business to the $300k level (and growing) and have proven knowledge and empathy to guide others who desire to do the same!
While I’ve gleaned a lot from my own journey … I by no means know everything, however, I pair well with smart partners (five of whom I bring into this program) plus we attract wonderful Process Professionals from varied backgrounds who also have a wealth of info … so our courses are awesome containers for sharing, learning and inspiration!
For more info, see About Christina.
- Seven 90-Minute Curriculum Videos
(and Downloadable MP3 Recordings for Easy Portability);
- Three 90-Minute Live Labs Videos
(and Downloadable MP3 Recordings for Easy Portability);
- Ten Presentation Notes
(PDFs of Visual PowerPoint Shared During Videos);
- Five 90-Minute Bonus Videos
(and Downloadable MP3 Recordings for Easy Portability);
- Brand Planning Worksheets (by Jocelyn Ring);
- 2 Visual Coaching eBooks (Magnetism Map and Orphan Rescue);
- Accounting Examples (by my Bookkeeper: Chart of Accounts, Balance Sheet, Income Statement);
- Memo of Understanding Examples (client contracts from my consulting, facilitation and coaching practice);
- NING Summary (PDF of Forum Notes, 99 Pages).
Your option to add three private coaching sessions for integration support (45 minutes each with Christina Merkley).
Helped me successfully process dynamics occurring in my practice.
“I circled around Christina’s work for a couple of years before jumping in. I love group facilitation and am always researching ways to help groups have richer conversations and engage them in the process. When I found her site I was just starting to understand this body of work called Graphic Facilitation and was seeking resources to develop my skills.
What struck me when I found her was how effectively she integrates graphic illustrations and templates as part of the group process and with coaching! I thought it was brilliant.
I chose to make it all about me first so I started with The SHIFT-IT Home Study Kit. I loved how extensive and complete it was. This enabled me to work through it on my own and on my own schedule.
Next I studied Business Essentials for Process Professionals, the deluxe version with the one-on-one coaching calls with her. They were awesome and helped me successfully process some dynamics occurring in my practice.
Currently I’m working my way through the Fundamental of Interactive-Visuals Kit in preparation for the Magic Marker Retreat coming up in Victoria, British Columbia. I’m SO EXCITED to engage this work in person with her and the other participants!
I’m really supported as I integrate these powerful new skills into my work with organizations, teams and personal growth groups. Thanks Christina!”
Kelcy Benedict
Senior Facilitator and Consultant
Facilitation Plus Inc.
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Entrepreneurship is a new arena for me so this program was so valuable
“Christina tops my professional gratitude list! I knew of her stellar reputation and took 2 flights, a bus, a train, a ferry and a seaplane to work in person with her!
During my incredible private Visual Skills training I learned so much about working visually with both groups and individuals and was also introduced to the Law of Attraction.
Her mentoring led me to become an ICF Certified Coach and to deeply explore LOA principles.
I then secured The SHIFT-IT Home Retreat Kit. The visual maps and overall process was life changing. This important reflection was a catalyst for me to “retire” from 35 years in corporations and become a “solopreneur”.
Entrepreneurship is a new arena for me so Business Essentials for Process Professionals was invaluable. As with all her programs Christina generously shares her knowledge, practical resources, and personal experiences. The accompanying private coaching was extremely useful to apply the concepts to my own situation.
My most recent (notice I did not use the term ‘last’!) adventure is successfully completing Visual Coach Certification. This credential equips me with the skills and confidence to use her SHIFT-IT System with my own clients, and it broadened my overall coaching abilities too, including adding distance sessions to my repertoire (via web conference and digital tablet).
Christina is always cutting edge with her use of technology to enhance learning and student collaboration. Given that she is a life-long learner and innovator, I look forward to my next learning experience with her!”
Dr. Rita Smith
Certified Visual Coach
Charlotte, North Carolina, U.S.A.
It’s one thing to learn it, it’s another thing to apply it in a practical way to a money making business. I cannot thank you enough!
“Being a Professional Coach already, I was a little unsure as to “what”, exactly, I would gain from Visual Coach Certification … until I dove in and went through the program. Being more “left brained” I was a little nervous about learning to use the visual tools. Wow! Using visuals with my clients has been a GAME-CHANGER. I am SO grateful for your mentoring and tools. It’s easy to learn (with practice, practice, practice) and, more importantly, to implement. I now use visuals on a regular basis with my clients. You are a patient, giving, articulate coach who has a unique gift of helping the motivated learn things that are outside of their usual comfort zone. Your classes and resources are useful, practical and challenging. Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals was inspirational, to say the least. And THANK YOU for Biz Essentials for Process Professionals. It’s one thing to learn it, it’s another thing to apply it in a practical way to a money making business. I cannot thank you enough.”
Lynn Thomas
Visual Christian Coach
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
“In the past year I’ve been in two of Christina’s courses: Fundamentals of Interactive Visuals and the Magic Marker Mastermind. I’m about to launch into her Biz Essentials for Process Professionals and expect that I’ll continue to study with Christina in the years to come because it’s been an invaluable investment of my time and money.
As a solo practitioner, I was looking for a thought partner to help me take my consultancy to the next level. Three partnerships later, enter Christina. She offered just what I needed through her visual skills training, advanced mastermind and private coaching.
Christina’s first class got me started. Her focus on process and exposure to the four ways of working visually helped me learn what I wanted to know and, most importantly, to distinguish myself in the marketplace. I integrate visuals in my facilitation work and provide sketchnoting for live events.
In Magic Marker Mastermind I further refined my style and honed in on the business questions I needed to explore. I see how Christina builds her business as she models the behaviors she teaches and shares valuable insider tips on how to work with visuals more effectively.
Christina has such useful breadth and depth. She’s comfortable in the roles of teacher, coach, mentor, and peer. Through her I’ve learned what it means to live with an abundant mindset as she’s graciously shares insights, processes and network. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level I highly suggest her curriculum. Christina helps you find your edge in the business world and take your enterprise where you dream it to go.”
Jenny Trautman
Atlanta, Georgia
Visual Process Consultant
Biz Essentials for Process Professionals is instantly available via 24/7 online purchase (scroll down page to view purchase options). Upon registration you receive a private password to SHIFT-IT School and access to the Biz Essentials area. It is encouraged that you proceed through the material in the order it is laid out (however access to all modules is instantly given in case you have an urgent need to view certain topic areas). The program is in English. A standard video player is required to view videos. And a PDF Reader to download and print attachments.
OPTION 1: BASIC PACKAGE $497.00 $248.50
Includes access to our SHIFT-IT School website, which contains: 7 Curriculum Webinar videos (90 minutes), 3 “Live Lab” Incubator Sessions, 5 Bonus Videos, Video & Mp3 Recordings of All Sessions, Plus tons of great downloadable PDFs.
1 Payment of | |
3 Monthly Payments of | |
7 Monthly Payments of |
OPTION 2: DELUXE PACKAGE $997.00 $498.50
Basic Package Plus 3 Private 45-Minute Coaching Sessions. These coaching calls are specialty priced (you save $300 off my regular 3-Pack Rate, a very good deal … why, cause I love doing implementation coaching on this material and I want you to get the most out of your Biz Essentials experience).
1 Payment of | |
3 Monthly Payments of | |
10 Monthly Payments of |
Order Now!
* Fees are in Canadian Funds. The USD fees quoted are approximate. The exact exchange fluctuates and depends on the day/time purchased and the policies of the credit card used (see www.xe.com for daily rate). Plus applicable taxes for Canadian residents. Payment plans are legal contracts to be fulfilled per the terms stated. The 1 pay is the most affordable option, as payment plans include additional fees. The first payment is immediate, then pulled every 30 days until complete.
SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms and Conditions.
Come Grow or Revamp Your Practice Via
Biz Essentials for Process Professionals …

Christina Merkley – The SHIFT-IT Coach
In closing, thank you for your interest in Biz Essentials for Process Professionals … and more importantly, for your drive to manifest congruent and successful work.
My own path to work that satisfies and sustains, like yours, has been a fascinating journey, … full of adventure and strengthened by necessary challenges at times too.
I wish you well on your path, from one traveler to another. And salute you as you GO FOR IT. Our world needs as many skilled and sustainable Process Professionals as it can get, and I look forward to being a witness to your transformation!
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
P.S. This program will be a pre-requisite for Advanced Programs currently being developed. Get your Biz Essentials knowledge now and join us for ongoing support, encouragement, and implementation via our supportive community.
P.P.S. For a full schedule of live SHIFT-IT School Classes, Click Here.
P.P.P.S. For more Home Study Courses, Click Here.
P.P.P.P.S. For Private Mentoring with Christina (Distance and In-person), Click Here.
Need Help? My assistant is available at admin@shift-it-coach.com and 1-866-925-2351.
“Thank you Christina for your spirit of sharing with the Fundamentals of Working Visually. You have a wealth of knowledge and experience. Your approach to teaching gave me permission to try something new and tap into my creative spirit.
I really liked the session flow, variety of activities, opportunity to practice and to just try things and get dirty. I also found the info around business, marketing and logistics to be very useful.
Since the training I have been incorporating working visually into my work. I have used my new skills with youth and adults and the response has been positive each time. A new world of tools to use in presenting information and facilitating processes has opened up.
People have come up to me at the end of sessions to tell me how the visuals helped them stay engaged and increased their understanding. They also want to know where I learned to do this and I happily send them your way!
I have wanted to learn how to work visually since I first saw it in action. Your training made this work accessible and possible. Enrolling was not easy due to my financial situation as a grad student, however, new job opportunities have opened up because of my newly acquired skill set. The investment was completely worth it.
I have fun now presenting info visually and am so happy to have an excuse to draw and colour. I have also participated in the Working Visually eCommunity drop-in webinars for your grads and enjoyed making them a part of my monthly routine. And just got your Business Essentials for Process Professionals Kit for further support. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and skills so openly and generously.”
Susana Guardado
Counsellor, Trainer & Facilitator
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
I use the skills, knowledge and awareness I have developed through working with Christina on a daily basis
“I was introduced to the concept of graphic facilitation many years ago through the use of PATHS and MAPS with individuals who have disabilities and their support networks. Through this work, I gained a sense of both the practicality of this modality as well as the ‘magical’ side of working visually, which whetted my appetite for more knowledge and skills.
As a process professional and light worker that supports individuals, groups and families, I was eager to find someone who could teach this approach in more depth, help me to understand where the magic in visual work lies and show me how to intentionally bring it forward. Living in central Canada, I began my search for a course to improve my graphic facilitation skills that was accessible online and found Christina! I began working with Christina through her Fundamentals of Working Visually course and immediately found a kindred spirit. I have since gleefully run the gamut of her offerings, making my way through her online Shift-It course, Visual Coaching Certification and Practical Energy Work. I am currently winding my way through the Business Essentials for Process Professionals Home Study course.
Christina brings a unique mix of skill, knowledge and deep wisdom to her teaching and coaching that can only be offered by someone who has done significant process, growth and healing work for themselves. She continues to courageously walk the path of her own inner and outer work and deeply understands the vulnerability, strength and gifting that lies within each person she works with.
I use the skills, knowledge and awareness I have developed through working with Christina on a daily basis, whether it is applying graphic facilitation approaches with clients, coaching people with the SHIFT-IT system, supporting clients who are working through healing from trauma or calling forward elements from Practical Energy Work for my own journey. Christina’s mix of proven facilitation and coaching methods combined with both quantum approaches and ancient wisdom is cutting edge and I am thrilled to be part of the network of professionals who are taking this work forward into the world. I extend great love and gratitude to Christina for sharing her gifts and for spring-boarding my life and livelihood beyond what I could have imagined!”
Tracy Knutson
Certified Visual Coach &
Skilled Process Professional
Fort Qu’appelle, Saskatchewan
I couldn’t escape the ‘feeling’ that she was just what I was looking for. And if there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s to never ignore that ‘feeling’.
“When I originally found Christina I was looking for training in her visual communication style. I couldn’t escape the ‘feeling’ that she was just what I was looking for. And if there is one thing I’ve learned in life, it’s to never ignore that ‘feeling’.
Participating in her Fundamentals of Working Visually course changed my life in many positive ways.
Getting to know Christina further through her SHIFT-IT System and Business Essentials for Process Professionals opened my eyes even further into her wonderful spirit and her thoughtful and helpful processes.
So, when she created her new Practical Energy Work course my reaction was “Yes! This is perfect!” and I registered right away.
She has shared bits and pieces of the right-brain terrain through her newsletters however this course offers a deep dive into the topic overall and how it is of good use in our personal and professional lives.
Energy Work is expanding into more conventional circles. Having an interest already, I must say, once again, she and my cohort mates delighted me with the expanse of knowledge, curiosity, tools and genuine openness to questions and sharing.
I wasn’t really surprised because I just ‘knew’ it would be that way. If you’re wondering what that means, join the course if you’re drawn to it but don’t completely know why. You will learn about and reinforce your own right-brain gifts and be delighted with the international like-hearted group.”
Marion Freymann
I.T. Professional and Alternative Education Advocate
Florida, United States
An eye opener, especially with regards to figuring out my ideal clients, potential offerings, a company name and elevator pitch, and how to stay afloat financially
“I have been involved in adult education for 25 years as an instructor, facilitator, and in curriculum design and program development. I really enjoy learning experiences where interactive, reflective and illustration methods are incorporated.
It is an ongoing goal of mine to illustrate confidently, use colour effectively, and instinctively use visual processing methods to interpret and apply information. It was for these reasons that I was drawn to Christina’s courses.
I’ve taken SHIFT-IT Online, Fundamentals of Working Visually, Business Essentials for Process Professionals and, most recently, Magic Marker Retreat.
I enjoyed SHIFT-IT for its comprehensive documentation and helpful templates, and loved using coloured pens and illustrations to bring clarity to the reflective exercises.
Fundamentals of Working Visually was a turning point. It is a really well designed online course. My learning was greatly enhanced through the combo of written materials, weekly lectures, Christina’s generous sharing of her knowledge and expertise, as well as the extra time to answer participants’ personal questions. Assignments were relevant, and it was fun to participate in the forum where co-learners shared projects and encouragement. I immersed myself–taking my sketch book everywhere (still do!).
Business Essentials was an eye opener, especially with regards to figuring out my ideal clients, potential offerings, a company name and elevator pitch, and how to stay afloat financially. I took this course online and enjoyed taking my time to think about and refine project work. I also thoroughly enjoyed the video interviews with experts and past participants.
Magic Marker Retreat was a super opportunity to gather with other visual keeners in person. It was wonderful to see Christina apply her craft as she drew out classmates to shift and break through resistance. It was remarkable to see the profound insights that occurred.
I have applied visual processing most notably in the planning and implementation of Instructional Skills and Facilitator Development Workshops in Ghana via a CIDA project between Vancouver Island University and a polytechnic in Sunyani.
I designed a pre-workbook (with visual templates), and I also instructed trainee facilitators on how to draw icons and use headings and colour when generating purposeful feedback. Workshop participants took up their new skills with great enthusiasm and applied them really effectively to record feedback on flipcharts and chalkboards. It was also fun to watch the Ghanaian humour unfold through their icons!
A Ghanaian colleague recently asked when I would be going back to Sunyani so they can learn more about visual processing! I’m looking forward to exploring effective applications for visual processing in instructional and other settings in local and international environments.”
Judy Southwell
Facilitator, Instructor, Trainer
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Significant courses with lots of content. Flexibility of the online technology accommodates my schedule nicely.
“When I found Christina’s work I was already aware of Graphic Recording and beginning to weave it into my work as a Speech Language Pathologist working in elementary schools and the community with children and their families.
I became VERY excited seeing the other ways that Visual Skills can be used especially studio ‘push’ pieces to simplify and communicate information and also interactively in process work with both groups and individuals. Lightbulbs flashed in my head as I saw the MANY places both professionally and personally where these methods are VERY useful for me and my future. And I’ve been off and running with my innovations ever since!
Given the range of areas that I can apply the visual methods and tools to, I decided to get the Combo Version of Visual Coach Certification … which secured me four wonderful courses: SHIFT-IT Online, Fundamentals of Working Visually, Visual Coach Certification and Business Essentials for Process Professionals.
These are significant courses with lots of content, so it’s quite a commitment. However, the flexibility of the online technology accommodates my schedule nicely. I catch live classes when I can and otherwise follow along via the recordings.
I also make good use of the opportunity the online forums provide to engage with my fellow classmates … lovely people from across the globe making their own shifts who share a love of the visual way of working and being.
Already my experiences have been a game-changer. I went from scratching my head wondering why I was feeling unhappy and unsure what to do, to feeling increased appreciation for all my opportunities that has led me to my now. I have tools to reflect on and use over and over to engage my enthusiasm for the future, and to actively participate in allowing the greatest vision for my life to unfold.
I’m on a mission to weave this visual, creative, happy way of being into the realm of Speech Language Pathology and into my life overall. I’m truly grateful. Thank you, Christina!”
Lisa Dymond, M.Sc.
Registered Speech Language Pathologist
Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia, Canada
I’ve Been Pleasantly Delighted With How Open Minded And Curious Most Have Been And By The New People I’m Attracting.
“After the publication of my channeled book The Link, I knew my next step was to build a more public business around my clairaudient abilities. However, I was crippled with fear of being more known for my spiritual gifts and leaving my web developer career which had provided well for my family. After becoming ill and having a near death experience, I knew I had to make this shift. Change can be frightening, so my Guide, Melody, led me to Christina for her specialized help.
Even though I channel a very conscious being, my 3D personality self was worried about my transition. Christina’s SHIFT-IT System and Business Essentials for Process Professionals allowed my Left Brain to more deeply understand and accept what my Right Brain was doing. She helped me identify and heal trauma about ‘being different’ and ‘being seen’ that was standing in my way.
I’m online now, selling my book, private Melody consults and my orgonite jewelry. Yes, some people who know me through my prior career have been surprised by this turn of events. However I’ve been pleasantly delighted with how open minded and curious most have been and by the new people I’m attracting. I enjoy seeing people benefit from the 5th Dimensional perspective. Melody and another Guide have me busily channeling more information, so more is materializing. Step by step.
Thank you Christina for your support and encouragement. I’m excited by the changes that are taking place. You are a channel too … delivering messages and energy your way.”
Kendra Jonas
Author and 5D Channel
Woodburn, Oregon, U.S.A.