Category: Inner Work

SHIFT-IT eCommunity Drop-In Webinar, November 10, 2018

Hosted The SHIFT-IT eCommunity on Saturday – for grads of my Visual Coaching Courses (SHIFT-IT, Practical Energy Work and Visual Coach Certification). Helped a member rescue her 8 Year Old Orphan … stuck at the kitchen table with her Father learning some mixed messages about money (in her present day life she’s an accountant writing… Read more »

SHIFT-IT eCommunity Drop-In Webinar – October 20, 2018

Nice drop-in of participants for The SHIFT-IT eCommunity today – for grads of my Visual Coaching programs (SHIFT-IT, Practical Energy Work and Visual Coach Certification). Helped one member recognize the cues from her subconscious about a new dawn breaking in her life.  Using a technique from my Practical Energy Work course called AlphaMind.  Which allows… Read more »

Shamanic Psychopomp Work

Just wrapped 4 day Shamanic Psychopomp course with Betsy Bergstrom in Seattle. This is a picture from her altar table.  A whole bevy of psychopomp allies from many traditions from around the world.  Betsy’s heritage is Icelandic I believe, so her Norse lineage understanding is a new one for me that I’ve finding very interesting.… Read more »

Ego and Other Deaths

It’s the eighth month of 2018 and this is only my third eZine of the year.  The first one was on Ayahuasca, the second one was on my Graphic Recordings of Gabor Mate’s Compassionate Inquiry Work with trauma and addictions. And this third one is on death.  I know, I’m a laugh a minute right?! The longer I… Read more »

Gabor Maté: Real Time Graphic Recordings

Graphic Recording, as many of my readers know, is a real-time visual note taking process done in a public manner, usually with large sheets of mural size paper (although other materials can also be used including digital means). If you are aware of the SketchNotes technique, it’s the same idea, but larger and with the… Read more »

New Home Study Kit: Last Few Hours for Special

Through my SHIFT-IT School I offer a unique range of courses that enhance productivity and alignment in work and life. For the last 3 years, I’ve offered a well-received live course: PRACTICAL ENERGY WORK … my most “right-brain” program to date.  I’ve turned this live course into a Home Study Kit … and if you… Read more »

Final Day: Launch for Practical Energy Work Kit

I’m so excited … on Tuesday I launched my Practical Energy Work: Home Study Kit. This course holds a special place in my heart. I created it after a series of remarkable events including kundalini ripening, and I had to learn how to better manage my emotions and energy. Annually since 2015 I had the pleasure to gather… Read more »

[New Home Study Kit] Just 2 Days Left on Launch Special

As a Facilitator, Coach and Mentor to other Process Professionals across the globe, I’m always on the lookout for methods and approaches that help groups and individuals develop. Since the beginning of my career I’ve been heavily involved in ‘working visually‘ … using graphic approaches to assist groups and individuals in their visioning and planning… Read more »