During these shifting times my Seva is to help folks think and feel on their most pressing topics. I offer Process Popups (every few weeks) and Recorded Visual Coaching Sessions (as my schedule allows). Below is the most recent Process Popup – which we missed getting out in a more timely manner (mea culpa and apologies for the delay). SUMMARY: We… Read more »
Category: Inner Work
Visual Coaching for the Holidays: Gift You and Yours
Given all the massive changes that humanity is currently embroiled in, Visual Coaching is even more relevant and needed than usual. As a pioneering Visual Coach, and now with my capable tribe of Certified Visual Coaches, we’ve coached 1000s of individuals across the globe to shift their professional and personal lives for the better. As… Read more »
During these shifting times, my Seva is to help folks think and feel on their most pressing topics. I offer Process Popups (every few weeks) and Recorded Visual Coaching Sessions (as my schedule allows). Below is the most recent Process Popup – it was beautifully deep. SESSION VIDEO: SUMMARY: After 10 minutes of meditation (which we always do) we hear… Read more »
Visual Satsang – Private Support for Intense Times
Visual Satsang to the rescue! Oh boy, going on two years and our world is still cookin’ … The Early Days: When I started the pro bono Visual Coaching to offer support as the pandemic swept into North America … few of us knew that we’d be in for an extended haul. And that many… Read more »
During these shifting times, my Seva is to help folks think and feel on their most pressing topics. I offer Process Popups (every few weeks) and Recorded Visual Coaching Sessions (as my schedule allows). Below is the most recent Process Popup – Happy Birthday to Lisa and Joy! INSERT VIDEO: SUMMARY: After 10 minutes of meditation (which we always start… Read more »
Upcoming Online Courses: VISUAL COACH CERTIFICATION, FALL 2021 PANDEMIC PRICES (Save 50%) Use my Visual Coaching techniques and tools in your internal job or external practice. For managers, coaches, counselors, therapists, HR professionals, financial advisors, mediators, disability specialists, teachers and more. Includes 40 visual tools, instruction and supervision plus a diverse international cohort of colleagues.… Read more »
Visual Coaching – Video: Open Your Eyes, The Gift Is All Around You
During these shifting times, my Seva is to help folks think and feel on their most pressing topics. I offer Process Popups (every few weeks) and Recorded Visual Coaching Sessions (as my schedule allows). Below is the next session to be publicly published. If you are waiting for yours, thanks for your patience as we make our way through… Read more »
Seva (pronounced say-va) is a Sanskrit word for service. The spiritual practice of selfless service and the desire to uplift and assist people, giving help and compassion to others with no thought of what is to gain or what is to be lost by doing so. Below are my two complimentary seva services. Free. Open… Read more »
Every few weeks I offer a Visual Coaching drop-in to assist with our transitional times. Here is the latest, including summary notes, video and visual maps. Summary: This gathering a mix of emotions were present. The majority were riding the waves of grief, having recently lost loved ones with a myriad of feelings depending on… Read more »
Every few weeks I offer a Visual Coaching drop-in to assist with our transitional times. Here is the latest, including summary notes, video, and visual maps. Summary: Carly dropped by looking for a group she could skim some positivity off. However, being the only one who came, she got 90 minutes of individualized attention instead!… Read more »