Category: Misc.

Yes, Your Creativity Is Valuable & Worth Developing

The last few weeks my team and I have been busy fielding inquiries and booking spots for my upcoming trainings The Fundamentals of Interactive-Graphics and The SHIFT-IT Certification Program. It’s always an interesting process as we witness the different manners and attitudes in which people value their creativity and make their way into my programs… Read more »

A Note From Christina

Had a nice time last week presenting my f.r.e.e. Fundamentals of Interactive-Graphics Webinar. Thank you if you joined us live – really great questions and comments from the 150+ registrants. Added an additional 30 minutes of Q& A to the end so it topped out at close to 2 hours. Very rich info. If you… Read more »

The Art of Being ‘Generative’

I had a personality test done a few years ago – back when I was in a coaching group with some other online entrepreneurs. It gave me some really revealing results about myself and my style of relating. Or, should I say, my styles (plural) of relating. The test showed that I am a split… Read more »

A Note From Christina

Positive Aspects (and art!) Are Everywhere! Had a bunch of changes with my technology the last few months … and am now back to having a digital camera handy (don’t like the one on my iphone). The little things in life can make such a big difference. Being a ‘positive sifter’ and looking for those… Read more »

When You Change and They Don’t Like It

You have a goal or a whole set of them. You figure out your Vision. You create and implement a plan. You deal with your own ‘Trouble at the Border’ issues … all those little (and sometimes big) internal and external gremlins along your path. And your New World and New Self begins to manifest… Read more »

A Note From Christina

Well, the season is SHIFTing here in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia. The early cherry trees has burst into bloom. It’s gonna be a snow of pink petals soon. Those little petals are really beautiful but quite the drag to get off your car when they are plastered on by a west coast rainfall. Makes me… Read more »

Ask Xina: Help, Do I Follow Eckhart Tolle’s Advice or Abraham-Hick’s?

Question: I wonder if you could please share with me your opinion on a question that I have about TLOA. Esther is all about telling an empowering story and Ekhart is all about no story. She says re-frame it in a positive light and thus shift your vibration and point of attraction. Ekhart says bask… Read more »

Inner Ways To Move That Outer Home

In my own private coaching practice, I’ve encountered several clients, in varying places from around the world (Vancouver, London and Miami) who were vibrational stuck in the process of selling their home and came to me for some ‘SHIFT-IT’ coaching to get their process smoothly flowing. Here are some concepts and ideas from these sessions… Read more »

Graphic Guru David Sibbet Explains Visual Meetings

Big shout out to my mentor and old boss, David Sibbet from The Grove Consultants International.  David is in the midst of writing his new book “Visual Meetings’ and just presented in January at the TEDx SoMa event in San Francisco (ahhh, San Francisco … there are days that I miss you so!). Give a… Read more »

Ask Xina: How Do I Follow Abraham’s Advice About Not Adjusting Down?

Question: Hi Christina, I know you are super busy, but wondering if you can help us with this Abraham-Hicks quote a little?? I understand not adjusting down ever — so how to adjust?  Much Love, Lynette In order to help someone who’s in a very different vibrational frequency, you’ve got to adjust your vibrational frequency… Read more »