Private Visual Coaching Retreats
With Christina Merkley
At various times in our lives, we navigate shifts. Harvesting what’s good from our past, and letting go of what isn’t. Whatever degree of change is desired, I’ll confidentially draw it out of you.
I’m a Process Professional with 25+ years of extensive experience with groups and individuals. An internationally recognized pioneer in the field of “Visual Coaching”, who teaches and certifies practitioners from across the globe.
I’ve worked with 1000s of people within corporations, organizations, community groups, biz partnerships and with couples and individuals. As such, I’ve had the pleasure of assisting many different kinds of people to create many different types of shifts.
My home base is Victoria, British Columbia on the beautiful west coast of Canada. My clients engage my services via public courses in SHIFT-IT School, through my Process Facilitation Services, and via my Private Coaching Practice.
As an option to online work, I offer Private In-Person Retreats, for those who wish a bespoke, face-to-face experience.
I work holistically on both the outer and inner levels. Below are a list of topics that I regularly coach on. Your retreat can be focused on one or several of these subjects, or on something not listed. Together we craft an agenda that uniquely suits you and your situation.
Left Brain | Outer Work:
- Leadership and Organizational Development (confidential shadow coach);
- Finances, Career, Right Livelihood and Business Entrepreneurship (see SHIFT-IT);
- Business Branding and Identity (see Business Essentials for Process Professionals);
- Visual Skills Development (see Fundamentals of Working Visually and Visual Coach Certification); and
- Succession Planning, Retirement and Paying It Forward.
Right Brain | Inner Work:
- Personal Visioning, Planning, Transitions and Inner Alignment (see SHIFT-IT System);
- Non-Dual Consciousness, Self Inquiry, Polarities and Parts Work (see Visual Satsangs);
- Creativity, Intuition, Energetics, and Kundalini (see Practical Energy Work);
- Projection, Power, Trauma, Narcissistic, Authoritarian, Sexual & Ritual Abuse (see Shifting the Power);
- Spirituality, Aging, Illness, Dying, Grief, and Beyond the Veil.
Exploratory Chat and Logistics:
We start with an Exploratory Chat, to check our chemistry, discuss your situation, and determine dates and location. Since the pandemic, I no longer retain a commercial office. Instead, I have two different types of locations (city or country) that can be secured, depending on your preference. Downtown location is a business center ($250/day). For the country location you book accommodation at a nearby retreat and we work from that space. For info on getting to Victoria, British Columbia, see Travel to Victoria. Space rental (if needed) and accommodations are not included.
Select the Option of Your Choice:
Two-Day Retreat:
Deep Dive format with three post-retreat sessions.
Includes: Exploratory Chat. Digital SHIFT-IT Kit. Printed Materials and Markers. Four 3-hour In-person Sessions (Two a Day). Restaurant Lunch Each Day. Report. Three Post-Retreat Zoom Sessions (45-minutes each).
Investment: $4,997.00 $3,497.90
Choose Your Payment Plan:
One-Day Retreat:
Condensed format with one post-retreat session.
Includes: Exploratory Chat. Digital SHIFT-IT Kit. Printed Materials and Markers. Two 3-hour In-person Sessions. Restaurant Lunch. Report. One Post-Retreat Zoom Session (45-minutes).
Investment: $2,997.00 $2,097.90
Choose Your Payment Plan:
Half-Day Format:
Laser format, for assistance with Retreat Kit or as a refresher.
Includes: Exploratory Chat. Digital SHIFT-IT Kit. Printed Materials and Markers. One 3-hour In-person Session. Report.
Investment: $1,497.00 $1,047.90
Choose Your Payment Plan:
- Fees are in Canadian Funds, see for conversion
- Plus applicable taxes for Canadian residents.
- Plans pull every 30 days. The 1 pay is the most affordable option, as other plans include additional fees.
- Your investment is transferable (to another date, service or product) but not refundable.
Email to request an Exploratory Chat with Christina to discuss your Private Retreat. Together we determine desired outcomes, agenda, dates, location and other logistics. After confirmation, return to this page to secure your Retreat via the ordering options above. Depending on the location, additional fees for the rental space may also be required.
Christina Merkley
SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc.
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
“I’ve employed Christina Merkley as my coach on-and-off since 1998. Six months after she led me through a vision exercise where I imagined myself on the cover of a magazine, the real thing happened when I made it into Java World. Since then I’ve been covered in MIT Tech Review, The NY Times, Popular Science, and Motor Magazine and was nominated for a 2003 Corporate Award sponsored by the World Tech Network. Yeah, you could call this work effective! Now I’m working with her again to take it up to the next level.”
– Tim Clark, VP of Engineering / Director of R & D, VTTI, San Francisco, CA
Good at making things quantifiable and tangible
“I’ve hired Christina Merkley on and off for the last seven years, primarily for personal coaching and partnership facilitation. She’s seen me through two sad, but amicable, business partnerships dissolutions. Christina’s smart and intuitive (although I generally hate using that word!). A natural solvent … boiling disparate personalities to get to the pure, essential content of what needs to be done, by when, by who. Good at making things quantifiable and tangible.”
– Paolo Salvagione, Owner, Swift Engineering, Sausalito, CA
“I traveled from the UK to work one-on-one with Christina and it was worth every penny. The power of seeing my life and beliefs drawn out of me — no room to hide because I created the picture of the new direction I want. There is a clear process and journey when you work with Christina and if you are committed to really shift your life you can expect amazing results in a short period of time. I’ve revamped my diversity consulting business – re-designed my website, offerings and pricing structure – to serve the populations I like best. I’ve signed up for her Manifestation Mastermind which I expect to be another life changing programme (starts after my Caribbean vacation – more time spent there was part of my visioning!). – I can’t wait. Thanks Christina.”
– Sonya Welch-Moring, Diversity Coach/Consultant, London, UK

Tamsyn Hawkins Branding & Archetype Consultant
“I’ve had the privilege of Christina’s support since 2007. She’s a generous teacher/coach and savvy businesswoman who knows her stuff and delivers for her clients. I was initially attracted to her Law of Attraction (LOA) perspective via her SHIFT-IT System® and was later accepted into her Biz and Life Accelerator, which I massively benefited from. I successfully transitioned my corporate marketing and sales career into a sustainable consulting practice (more freedom of hours, work and client type) and also significantly shifted some challenging personal relationships. I’ve also studied Christina’s pioneering interactive-graphics methods — now employing visuals in my branding and archetype speciality including developing my own line of visual templates to better serve my clients! Christina has a knack for attracting really interesting and collaborative people and I have made great friends from across the globe (another goal achieved). I absolutely love working with her and highly recommend her coaching and teaching programs.”– Tamsyn Hawkins, Branding & Archetype Consultant, United Kingdom
“Awesome! That is the one word that describes the services that Christina has provided for me. Since I started working with her as my coach, I’ve bought my partner out to gain full ownership, have been stabilizing my growing business with improved systems (and growing profits) and have taken more time out for the fun things in life (golf, fishing, Vegas!). When i first heard about her and this visual stuff, i was skeptical and wondered if it was ‘blowing on tea leaves’. Not now, I’m a true believer. The graphics bring clarity and focus and give me a high level map of my corporate direction. I highly recommend her and her Shift It! Process to anybody who is serious about success and defining (and getting!) what they really, really want.”
– Robert Kemp, CEO, Raging Creations Ltd /, Victoria, B.C.
“After coaching with Christina Merkley, all I can say is, ‘Wow!’ If you haven’t noticed, there are coaches EVERYWHERE. It’s not easy to know if they are a good match or not. But because Christina is so entrenched in the Law of Attraction in a very real and human way she was able to reflect and shift my energy unlike I’ve ever experienced before. (And she does while keeping her sense of humor which is one of my key values.) I learned that when you are in emotional alignment, it’s easy to live the life you want. Everything after that just flows… What a freeing experience!”
– Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy, Van Nuys, CA

Lilia Lee Online Biz Strategist & Shamanic Apprentice
“I’ve worked with Christina as my mentor and guide in several capacities: Fundamentals of Interactive-Visuals, SHIFT-IT Online Group, a 6-month business incubator and now private coaching.Before her, I’d been forever scratching my head about my business and next steps. Frustrated that I couldn’t formulate my ideas well enough to get the pieces together and move forward. Never had time to flesh it out and make it real.
Working with her is the best thing I have done for my business success. Guidance not only on an outward level but also the means for me to change my inner mindset … clearing the negative programming that had plagued me for so long. I’ve grown on a spiritual level as a whole person, something other business teachers/coaches have ignored. My development as a shamanic apprentice is encouraged and she’s helped me to see how to incorporate all aspects of me into what I do.
I highly recommend working with Christina in any capacity you are called to. Worth every penny I invested!”
– Lilia Lee, Online Biz Strategist & Shamanic Apprentice
“Great coach. Positive & encouraging coaching style. Lovely location. An adventure in learning. 2 days of focused attention – Christina broke her methods down for me into manageable pieces and segments. I left with greater confidence in my ability to become a successful graphic facilitator. Within days of returning home I had completed three of my action steps to move my business to the next level and gotten just the results I intended.”
– Sue Keely, Graphic Facilitator, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
She can take you safely as deeply as you want to go
“A gifted and intuitive listener and facilitator, able to draw out what is useful from the past, present and hopeful future. Eclectically and timely trained in personal and organizational development, she can take you safely as deeply as you want to go.”
– Bill Faust, Faust Consulting, Sausalito, CA (formerly Director, Motorola University Executive Education and Leadership Development, Chicago IL)
Wish I had gone through a SHIFT-IT Retreat a long time ago!
“Christina’s non-biased approach allowed me to review my life and define reachable, step-by-step goals … which we are continuing to break down into even more doable steps each week on our coaching calls. I wish I had gone through a SHIFT-IT Retreat a long time ago! I really enjoy her listening, the one-to-one attention, and that we got to work down on the beach for part of my retreat!”
– Anyck Turgeon, Oracle, Redwood Shores, CA
I’ve totally transformed my life
“Christina’s graphic method helped me get clear on my accomplishments and the areas in my life that brought me the most enjoyment. I really tapped into the fact that I needed a much more creative outlet for work. In the year since working with her, I’ve totally transformed my life. I hung up my business-consulting hat, moved back home to North Carolina and opened my own home decor store. Working with Christina was a pivotal stepping stone in my life.”
– Phyllis Roberts, Owner, Dragonfly Home Decor, Asheville, NC
Without her help I would not have dared step out for my dream
“Before I consulted with her, I was facing both personal and professional challenges — I knew I had to do something but the fear of failure blinded me. Her process helped me shift my attitude and create reality-based plans, which I’m in the process of implementing. When things get tough I use the charts we created to remind myself where I am going and why. Without her help I would not have dared step out for my dream. Now I know I am on my path to a fully lived life.”
– Kimiko Bokura, Health and Beauty entrepreneur, Santa Cruz, CA
Opportunity to witness Christina’s work and techniques up close
“Christina graphically captured my life’s emotions, experiences, and desires that helped me pictorially see my past, present and wished for future. As a developing graphic facilitator, my SHIFT-IT Retreat not only helped with my thinking about my own practice and life but gave me the opportunity to witness Christina’s work and techniques up close — I loved it so much that I have built a gorgeous retreat room in the Santa Cruz mountains, so I can do Visual Coaching work with others.”
– Patricia Jocius, Emergency Preparedness Consultant / Graphic Facilitator, Sunnyvale, CA
“How has the last year been for me? It has been a 360 degrees head spin thanks to Christina. A year ago I had a vague idea of where I wanted to go in life, but I didn’t know how to get there. Christina has believed in me since day one. Her SHIFT-IT process made me clarify what my dream really is and helped me figure out that with the correct approach, I could get there. With our coaching calls I have been able to move my dream towards reality, step-by-step. I have never been so excited about where I am headed and am actually enjoying the process of Law of Attraction to get there!”
– Matt Ashdown, Ashdown Conditioning & Training and / The Gratitude Dance, Victoria, B.C.
“Coaching with Christina was truly a life-changing experience. I was stuck at the time and the Shift-It Process helped me to understand what steps to take next so I could move forward and reach my goals. Not only do I still use my maps on an annual basis for my personal and professional planning, I recommend her services and products to my clients all the time because I know they will benefit from such a visual coaching experience. The maps just make the growth so much more concrete and more effective. Thank goodness Christina does what she does!”
– Sheri McConnell, Sheri McConnell Companies, San Antonio, TX
“Working with Christina is the best investment I’ve made in myself. I needed a life-coach who held me accountable, asked the hard questions and encouraged me to look at the life I really want to create. Christina did this and so much more. Her graphic applications gave me an insightful snapshot of where I’d been and where I’m going. I regularly implement her “Take action Plan” and focus on the top three priorities in my life to achieve maximum satisfaction. Christina skillfully guided me through her process and my life has truly shifted for the better. So far I’ve changed my mindset about personal health and have dropped 6 pounds. Plus, I am regularly attracting business contacts that not only increase my visibility but also increase my profitability. If you do one thing for yourself, make this it!”
– Lisa Manyon, Professional Copywriter and Consultant,
“Christina coached me into clarity, and forward movement, in life and in my business coupled with a new level of understanding of what makes me tick, and how the Universe and I work in synchronicity! Thank you Christina for being so kind and helping me get clear of the things that were in my way…I use your Flip It technique everyday! My business is positively booming now, and I am convinced it would be stalled if we had not worked together. Life is a lot clearer these days, and I have your guidance to thank, you are a truly gifted coach. In Gratitude!”
Viki Viertel, The Business Buddha,

Brenda Rivas Online Business Stylist
“Before becoming a client of Christina’s I was very much stuck in limiting thought patterns. While working through Christina’s SHIFT-IT program I was able to uncover and heal the one thing that had kept me from stepping into the life that I truly wanted to live. I was able to release years of pain and guilt. This discovery and healing lead me to the path that I am on today. I am in awe of Christina’s soothing yet powerful coaching style. Through her work, Christina continues to challenge me to shift to my next level of success. I believe there are certain people that divinely come into our lives and change the course of our paths. Christina has been that person in my life.”– Brenda Rivas, Online Business Stylist
Founder & CEO, Alliance of Online Entrepreneurs
SHIFT-IT Coach, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms and Conditions.