Ongoing support for my clients and students.
Great way for new folks to get a taste of my work. And a way for me to provide seva (service) so this work is accessible for all, regardless of income.
We are a supportive community of like-hearted souls sprinkled across the globe.
Together we SHIFT ourselves – our transmission. You are welcome here!
DROP-IN SATSANGS | Free Processing Group
Twice a month (on the first and third Sunday) I offer Drop-In Satsangs for clients, students and anyone interested in sincere inner work in a supportive setting. Methods include Non-Dual Self Inquiry, Parts Work, Projection, Constellations, Visioning and more.
SIT WITH CHRISTINA | Free 90-Minute Sessions
Get a free processing session in exchange for the recording possibly being shared (on YouTube and in my eZine). So generous to allow others to parallel process along with you!
SHIFT-IT YOUTUBE CHANNEL | Parallel Processing
Browse this public video library and parallel process along as I work with volunteers on various life topics and challenges.
SHIFT-IT eZINE | Demos and Upcoming Events
Stay connected with our monthly eZine. Registration includes free coaching tools and info webinars. Plus announcements on new events and offerings.
Yours in SHIFTing IT,
Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach
Assistance: Contact us at