Free or Low Fee Support

chrstina merkley working at her tablet with a zoom cohort of satsang peopleIf you are new to me and my work, you may find these free and low fee options a helpful way to get oriented.

Also great for those who have worked with me previously, and are looking for ways to keep connected, and your inner work alive.

We are a supportive community of like-hearted souls sprinkled across the globe.  Together we SHIFT ourselves – our transmission.  Welcome!

SHIFT-IT eZINE | Demos and Upcoming Events

Stay connected with our monthly eZine. Registration includes free coaching tools and info webinars. Plus announcements on new events and offerings.

Click Here

SHIFT-IT YOUTUBE CHANNEL | Watch Live Processing

watching christina merkley on YouTube with computer listing all her videosBrowse this public video library and parallel process along as I work with volunteers on various life topics and challenges.

Click Here


Free Recorded Session with Christina Merkley Banner has a charicature of Christina drawing at her tablet with a colourful yellows, golds and deep red background.Get a free Visual Coaching session in exchange for it possibly being shared on YouTube.

Click Here

DROP-IN SATSANGS | Process in a Safe Group

Christina Merkley at her tablet smiling at the camera with her puppy Presley on her lap. Wording is for the Drop-In Satsangs Banner: True People, Inner Work, Visual Tools - Drawing Your Inner Wisdom Out.Twice a month I offer Drop-In Satsangs for anyone interested in sincere inner work in a supportive setting. Methods include Non-Dual Self Inquiry, Parts Work, Projection, Constellations, Visioning and more. Recordings and Video Library of past gatherings hosted in our private forum (not shared on YouTube). Free or by donation ($10-20). As you like. Donation button available in the forum.

Click Here

Yours in SHIFTing IT,

Christina Merkley
Christina Merkley
The SHIFT-IT Coach

Assistance: Contact us at