Private Visual Satsangs

Christina Merkley at her tablet drawing visual maps for Private Visual Satsangs. Title: True People, Inner Work, Visual Tools - Drawing Your Inner Wisdom Out


Weekly: Saturdays, April 5 – July 19, 2025
10am – Noon Pacific Time
convert to your time zone

4 Spots Left


  • Greater Access to and Embodiment of Stillness, Presence and Being;
  • More Comfort With Duality, Paradox and Complexity;
  • Deeper Understanding and Compassion for Conditioning and Trauma;
  • Less Triggering, Reactivity and Repetition Wounds;
  • Increased Ability to Regulate Self and Others;
  • Greater Clarity and Decisiveness in Making Decisions and Aligned Actions;
  • Improved Personal and Professional Functioning;
  • Less Isolation, Sense of Separation and Aloneness;
  • People on the Consciousness Path to Navigate These Intense Times With!


A range of people from a range of geographies and interest areas.

Some are well-versed in concepts of non-duality, awareness and processing. While others are just beginning on the path.

Many are from my private practice, and courses I host or co-host.

Given my early history in the Graphic Facilitation field, often business people, process peeps and creatives find their way here (entrepreneurs, technicians, managers, facilitators, coaches, trainers, therapists, energy workers, intuitives, artists, teachers, advocates, graphic recorders, illustrators, designers and more).

I work with one person at a time, in a group setting.  Working visually takes more time than purely verbal processing. As such, only so many people can receive individualized attention during the scheduled time (in a two hour Satsang usually 3-4).  If more folks want to speak and process, we switch to verbal processing only, and cascade into ‘bonus’ time when my schedule allows.

Speaking, interacting and processing is purely optional. One can attend a Satsang without saying a word – as so much can be gained by observing, gathering gems, and being energetically impacted by other people’s inner work (parallel processing).

Trio of images: Wooden Buddha carving in front of visual maps, table top filled with painted rocks and markers, and Christina Merkley drawing on her tablet


Everything that is part of the human condition is welcome.

Joy, appreciation, inspiration, contentment, hope, boredom, confusion, worry, fear, terror, anger, rage, sorrow and shame.

  • Global, international, national, regional and local events;
  • Business, work, career, burnout and retirement;
  • Health, illness, accident, ageing;
  • Finances;
  • Relationships;
  • Meaning, purpose, empowerment and sovereignty;
  • Intuition, psionics, the unconscious, subtle energy including kundalini;
  • Ancestral and intergenerational legacy and epigenetics;
  • Loss, dying, death and beyond the veil.

We don’t agree on everything … far from it. Satsang attendees can hold polar opposite views. This is a helpful catalyst for discovering what is at the root of either side. Interestingly, often an impassioned defense of a similar value.

By visually processing together, we have a precious opportunity to ‘see under the hood’. To be let into the history, context and inner workings of our fellow Human Beings. Building greater understanding, awareness, acceptance, mutual regard and respect.

Trio of images: a table covered in markers and visual maps; hands drawing with colorful markers, creating visual maps; the back of Christina Merkley drawing visual maps on her tablet with Presley, her little black and white chihuahua dog, looking at the camera while on her lap.


We consult and unite MindHeart and Belly.

Working Visually: While facilitating the processing I simultaneously draw simple graphic notes. Online (using a digital tablet with drawing software). In-person (using large sheets of mural paper with markers). Handy templates, eBooks and other resources are provided.

Meditation: soothing mental chatter and settling the nervous system.shift it visual tools maps to draw your inner wisdom out

Self Inquiry: respectfully meeting what is and where it leads.

Constellation: a spatial/visual way of relating.

Parts Work: exiles and their protectors.

Polarity Squares: softening binds and catch 22s.

Future Selves: allies for support, perspective and guidance.

Magnetism Maps: visioning at the solo, pair, group, planet and galactic levels.

Conditioning Maps: seeing and sorting the repetitive loops.

Aligned Actions: clarifying your beings and doings.

Other protocols from SHIFT-IT, Practical Energy Work and Shifting the Power, depending on what arises or is requested.


We connect via Zoom. To participate, you need a computer with decent internet speed. Phone apps and dial-in numbers are also available. All sessions are video and mp3 recorded for easy replay (should you miss a gathering or want to re-listen). Recordings are only shared with members (no public distribution). We also have a private online forum, which allows us to communicate between sessions.


Basic and Accessibility Levels:

  • 16 Weekly Live 2-Hour Interactive Webinars;
  • Video & MP3 Recordings and PDFs of Visual Recordings;
  • Visual Tools and eBooks: Self Inquiry, Orphan Rescue, Alphamind, Constellation, Future Self, Magnetism Maps, Polarity Squares, Projecting Up and Projecting Down and More!
  • 24/7 Private Online Forum.

Deluxe Level:

Everything in Basic Level, plus 3 Private Coaching Sessions with Christina (45 minutes each). Special pricing reduced from regular coaching rates.

*** Note on Use of Techniques and Visual Maps: The techniques and tools provided in the Satsang are for your own personal inner work. If you would like to use with your own clientele, please see Visual Coach Certification.

Christina Merkley at her tablet in her home office with greenery and plants all around for this banner for Private Visual Satsangs


THREE LEVELS: Basic, Deluxe and Accessibility.

Currency: I am Canadian, so my fees are in Canadian currency (CAD).

Currently, the Canadian dollar is low which translates into extra savings for Americans, Europeans and some other locales (save 30% due to currency exchange).

USD and Euro are approximates.



Saturdays: April 5 – July 19, 2025
(16 Sessions)
10 am – Noon, Pacific Time

convert to your time zone

4 Spots Left

$497.00 CAD

($351 USD / €335*)


  • 16 Weekly Live 2-Hour Interactive Webinars.
  • Video & MP3 Recordings.
  • Visual Maps and Additional Resources.
  • 24/7 Private Online Forum.

1 payment of $497.00 CAD ($351 USD / €335*)
3 payments of $182.00 CAD ($129 USD / €123*)
7 payments of $85.00 CAD ($60 USD / €57*)


$747.00 CAD

($525 USD / €486*)


Everything in Basic Level, plus
Three Private Coaching Sessions with Christina Merkley (45 minutes each). Special pricing reduced from regular coaching rates.

1 payment of $747.00 CAD ($525 USD / €486*)
3 payments of $264.00 CAD ($185 USD / €172*)
10 payments of $84.00 CAD ($59 USD / €55*)


ACCESSIBILITY LEVEL $247.00 CAD ($174 USD / €166*)

Same as the Basic Level. For folks who can’t afford regular plans due to currency devaluation and/or financial difficulties. Please be honest so people who truly need aren’t left out.

1 payment of $247.00 CAD ($174 USD / €166*)
3 monthly payments of $85.00 CAD ($60 USD / €57*)
7 monthly payments of $40.00 CAD ($28 USD / €27*)



* Fees are in Canadian Funds. The USD and EUR fees quoted are approximate. The exact exchange fluctuates and depends on the day/time purchased and the policies of the credit card used (see for daily rate). Plus applicable taxes for Canadian residents. Payment plans are legal contracts to be fulfilled per the terms stated. The 1 pay is the most affordable option, as payment plans include additional fees. The first payment is immediate, then pulled every 30 days until complete.


Christina Merkley coaches individuals, partners and groups, and is an internationally respected online instructor and Satsang host.

Her SHIFT-IT School is an online hub for personal and professional development. One of a handful of early Graphic Facilitation trainers, she’s been a supportive midwife in the global spread of that specialty. Diversifying into personal applications along the way.

With a Masters Degree in Organizational Development & Transformation (ODT), she began her career in the 1990s San Francisco as a Graphic Facilitator, employed by David Sibbet and The Grove Consultants. Her past clients have included Hewlett-Packard, Stanford, American Institute of CPAs, U.S. Department of Energy, British Broadcasting Corporation, Institute for the Future, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and NASA.

Her lifelong interest in personal growth drew her to Coaching, where she’s been a prolific producer of visual tools, including the SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching System. She mentors other Providers via Visual Coach Certification, and maintains a unique Private Practice.

Christina Merkley at the writeboard, on her tablet and in the woods of British Columbia with her puppy Presley

In 2009, she experienced a kundalini rising that heightened her intuitive and energetic sensitivities. That unfoldment continues.

Trauma-informed, Christina is well versed in: Strategic Planning, Visioning, Scenarios, Team Performance, Conflict Resolution, Appreciative Inquiry, Alchemical Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, Voice Dialogue, Parts Work, BodyTalk, Shamanic Journeying, Systemic Constellations, Compassionate Depossession, Psychopomp, The Unconditional Model (Anneke Lucas) and Non-Dual Inquiry.

When the lockdowns hit in 2020, she offered online drop-ins, to help her clients, colleagues and friends meet what was arising. Those gatherings evolved into the Satsangs that now exist.


Thank you to our generous volunteers! Sit with Christina (Free Individual Sessions).

Browse on YouTube

My honor to assist as the shift is upon us.

Christina Merkley, Process Professional Yours In Shifting It,

P.S. Questions? Email us at Ask for a Free Exploratory Chat should you wish to speak with me directly about the Satsangs.




2025: June 8 and Sept 14
9:30 am – 5 pm, Pacific Time
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Together in the Same Room!

Wonderful opportunities to be together in person!

Full Details & Registration


1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
10 am – Noon, Pacific Time

Free or By Donation

Drop on by for live group meditation and emergent processing via digital drawing tablet.

Full Details & Registration