Tag: Coaching

Shifting the Power – We Start in a Few Days

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

I’m back with Anneke Lucas for a summertime offering of our online course, Shifting the Power. As per usual, we are attracting attendees from across the globe, particularly Europe given Anneke’s tragic childhood in that continent. Our themes of power, and courageously facing and integrating authoritarian and narcissistic abuse, are timely. Doing our deep inner… Read more »

Visual Coaching – Upcoming SHIFT-IT Retreat

How are you doing during these changing times?! Hanging in there?! No small miracle, with the continued intensity coming at us from so many angles. My coaching practice is currently a ‘Tale of Two Cities’ to quote some good ol’ Dickens … “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it… Read more »

Checking In and New Programs Coming

Hello. I hope all is well on your end, and that you are dealing okay with the intensity that surrounds us. We certainly do not live in boring times do we?! I’ve been in a very dense phase of development and growth, again. Thank you for your patience and continued support of my evolution. I… Read more »

Deep Inner Work Via Shifting the Power

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

We’re delighted to report that the launch of our new course, Shifting the Power, is going very well! We begin on Thursday, February 16 and have 40+ registered so far. Click for Full Details and Registration My co-host Anneke Lucas is originally from Belgium. She and her story are known in Europe. As such we… Read more »

Shifting the Power with Anneke Lucas

Shifting the Power banner with Christina Merkley and Anneke Lucas

I’ve been coaching for a long time, almost half my life. When I first started, I was doing a lot of corporate Strategic Planning, so my coaching was pretty Left Brained (logical, rational and linear). However, as I experimented with visuals, took tons of varied training, and worked with more and more people … I… Read more »

Visual Coaching – Join Fall’s SHIFT-IT Retreat

SHIFT-IT Online retreat dates printed over a desk full of visual maps

How are you doing during these intense times?! Still hanging in there?! No small miracle, with the intensity coming at us from so many angles. My coaching practice is currently a ‘Tale of Two Cities’ to quote some good ol’ Dickens … “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it… Read more »

Visual Coach Certification – Join Fall Cohort

VISUAL COACH CERTIFICATION: STARTS SEPTEMBER 28TH!  12 5 SPOTS LEFT – APPLY NOW! These are such challenging and powerful times. Now more than ever folks need effective and caring Process Leaders to hold a safe space for deep thoughts, strong emotions, and aligned actions. For two decades I’ve been Working Visually and training others to… Read more »

VISUAL COACHING – Online Retreat Next Weekend: Save 50%

Need to get some deep personal thinking and feeling done?!  Most of us do during these trying times. Use my Visual Coaching System to draw your inner wisdom out. In retreat with kind people from around the world. This Online Retreat is for anyone needing to do some honest personal reflection and planning. Whether you… Read more »

[Certified Visual Coach] 1 Spot Left in 2020 Cohort

These are such challenging and powerful times. Now more than ever people need effective and caring leaders who can hold safe space for the processing of deep thoughts, emotions, and aligned actions. For two decades I’ve been Working Visually and training others to do the same. Visual Coach Certification is going into its 11th year… Read more »

Christy Gharbo on Visual Coach Certification

CHRISTY GHARBO: NEW CERTIFIED VISUAL COACH: Been awesome to teach Christy a variety of visual applications. She came pre-loaded up with excellent graphic and curriculum design skills and a good work ethic. So exciting to see her uplevel her facilitation with a visual approach and now add coaching to her offerings too. I get it when she says it’s her happy place. Mine too. Go Christy go … so pleased my tools are in your capable hands. All the best as you help both groups and individuals make their shifts!