Tag: graphic coaching

In-Person Visual Coaching Training

Hello, this summer I’m finally back to in-person trainings – yay! While I love the efficiency of online work, nothing beats the tactile pleasure of paper, markers and other physical supplies! This 3-Day workshop is the Fundamentals of Visual Coaching. All the ins and outs of how to work visually with individuals, partners and groups.… Read more »

Visual Coach Certification: Starts April 2nd

Are you joining us?! Time to slide under the wire to claim your spot. The 2024 cohort of Visual Coach Certification is just two weeks away. Wonderful adventure to join in deep learning with Process Peeps from around the world. Two pre-requisites are required – Home Study Kits available for last-minute joiners who need to… Read more »

Visual Coaching – Upcoming SHIFT-IT Retreat

How are you doing during these changing times?! You shifting ok?! No small feat, with the continued intensity happening. I’m writing to remind you that one of my SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching Retreats is forming – which offers an aware community for thoughtful processing. SHIFT-IT Retreats are useful for Newcomers (who come for the first time)… Read more »


A Note From Christina eZine header featuring a handmade close up of a ceramic bowl filled with sparkling christmas tree balls in blues, golds and silvers on a rich wood desktop

Happy Holidays to you and yours! I’m enjoying a few leisurely days here in a relatively mild Canadian winter – so far no snow. Just the way I like it, as dealing with power outages in the woods is no fun. Mom took a tumble a few weeks ago and broke her shoulder. Dad’s loss… Read more »


Follow up from Public Visual Satsang #65.  See below for the video, timestamps, summary, visual maps and date of the next Public Visual Satsang – all welcome! Video: Timestamps: 00:00:00  Welcome and Meditation 00:30:40  [Self Inquiry] Freedom 01:02:10    [Self Inquiry] Energetic Anchoring 01:26:24    [Self Inquiry] It’s Time to Tap In 01:55:38    Closing… Read more »


Beautiful fall colours on Saltspring Island. Bright yellows and oranges along a still lake with moody grey clouded sky. Rainforests of Vancouver Island

Late fall here on the misty coast of western Canada. My dentist is on Salt Spring Island. Takes 4 hours each way to get there … the highway, the parking lot, the ferry, then the road to his office … then the return. It’s a pain in the butt, as it eats up a whole… Read more »


Dropping Into Hearts - group picture of the 5 women who participated in Public Visual Satsang #63 against a backdrop of their colourful visual maps from self inquiries.

Follow up from Public Visual Satsang #63. Unfortunately due to complications from a power outage, there will be no recording for Public Visual Satsang #64 – although it was a beautiful gathering and I thank those who came and processed!  See below for the video, timestamps, summary, visual maps and date of the next Public… Read more »

Processing Group Starts Saturday [Private Visual Satsang]

The times sure are giving us plenty to process, aren’t they!? Our souls have picked a poignant time to incarnate, that’s for sure. FYI, a new Private Visual Satsang is starting this Saturday. If you could benefit from being in a deep community with supportive people. These special private processing groups happen just twice a… Read more »


Misty morning in the Pacific Northwest. Christina Merkley walks her chocolate lab who is stopped on a log overlooking a pond with the back drop of the evergreen forests and low lying mist.

The season is shifting here in the western rainforest of Canada. Sunny days are more frequently giving way to fall mists. I’ve been harvesting the last of the veggies from my garden, and laying in some flower bulbs for spring. Putting the container beds to sleep with a blanket of maple leafs, incrementally gathered from… Read more »


Follow up from Public Visual Satsang #62.  Meeting the challenges and the blessings of these shifting times. See below for video, timestamps, summary, visual maps and date of next Public Visual Satsang – all welcome! Video: Timestamps: 00:00:00 Welcome and Meditation 00:09:33 [Self Inquiry] Calibrate the Mystical 00:51:57  Closing Summary: Self Inquiry: Calibrating the Mystical… Read more »