Tag: graphic maps

Visual Coach Certification Launches Soon

Are you eyeing Visual Coach Certification? 2022 Cohort is fast approaching. Now is the time to add this humane niche to your process toolkit … RECESSION PRICING IN EFFECT: SAVE 50% Visual Coach Certification: Starts October 4th 4 Spots Left! Full Details and Application I’ve trained 1000s across the globe in Visual Skills – helping… Read more »

Visual Coaching – Join Fall’s SHIFT-IT Retreat

SHIFT-IT Online retreat dates printed over a desk full of visual maps

How are you doing during these intense times?! Still hanging in there?! No small miracle, with the intensity coming at us from so many angles. My coaching practice is currently a ‘Tale of Two Cities’ to quote some good ol’ Dickens … “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it… Read more »

Visual Coaching Gift For 2022 New Year

free annual gift of visual coaching with christina merkley's specialized maps

Happy New Year! Time for my annual gift of a Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat … a Visual Coaching aid that helps you thoughtfully segue from one year to the next. Complete with 4 Visual Maps and Instruction eBook. Ideal Retreat Times: A Mini SHIFT-IT Retreat can be conducted at any time. However, I find that the calendar… Read more »

Visual Coaching for the Holidays: Gift You and Yours

Given all the massive changes that humanity is currently embroiled in, Visual Coaching is even more relevant and needed than usual. As a pioneering Visual Coach, and now with my capable tribe of Certified Visual Coaches, we’ve coached 1000s of individuals across the globe to shift their professional and personal lives for the better. As… Read more »

Online Visual Coaching Retreat Coming Up: Draw Yourself Out!

We are in uncertain times with more coming. An important opportunity to go deep within to draw out who you now are, what you now are, and how you now serve. Join our supportive online community on August 28-30 as we do The SHIFT-IT Visual Coaching System® together. A deep visual dive into your past, present and future. Doodlers unite!